
How long after you got off the pill did u get pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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i have been off of it since maybe July 15 i started my period on the 17 lasted about three to four days. ever since then we have been off the pill and havign unprotected s*x atleast ten times.for the past week or so i have had extremly sore b*****s. my lower back hurts alittle.. i have been going to the restroom ALOT! i think i might be getting a UTI. i have been craving alot alot of salty things.ive also been having slight cramps as if my period were to be starting and my mouth is very watery. i was wondering have u or anyone u knew gotten pregnant the first month off the pill? and what were your symptoms?




  1. Im on month 7 and still nothing. I am so jealous of people that only took a month or 2. Good Luck!!

  2. It took us a month and a half. But remember you are only fertile 2-3 days out of the month. If you are having s*x that often you are depleting your husbands sperm and can cause yourself to have a UTI.  Go get the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility and start charting your BBT.  

  3. As soon as I was off of it I was pregnant, lol.  I didn't really have any symptoms other than not cramping before I was due to have Aunt Flo visit.

    <------Fertal Mertal over here.

    I wish you luck and send you lots of baby dust!

  4. my friend got pregnant within two weeks of getting off the pill. good luck

  5. I'm hoping this will be my lucky month too :] I've heard plenty of stories of women falling pregnant straight away and others taking longer - I think its really dependant on the individual woman and man and the timing of babydancing of course! I wish us both luck xx

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