
How long after you stopped breastfeeding did you get your periods?

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I've been breastfeeding for almost 7 months and just stopped gradually in the last 2 weeks. How long did it take for you periods to come back? Were they regular straight away? Also, how long did it take for your b***s to stop producing milk?





  1. it varies from person to person.

    i started mine literally a month later, and they were heavy at first.

    your b*****s will become really sore at first, and they should stop producing within a couple of months. its really hard to say exactly as human bodies and hormone levels differ.

  2. I started my period a month after I had my baby, but I was taking birth control too. I got mine the last two months. My babies almost three months.  

  3. We wanted another baby soon as well so i didn't go on the pill..when my girl was 4 1/2 months i stepped down the breastfeeding as she needed more and my period came a couple of weeks later, and a couplde of weeks after that i fell pregnant again. Not sure when the milk stopped by the stopped getting engorged failry soon after i stopped (at 6months) but if i squeesed my boob, some milk would still come out a year later so not sure...Now i have two with 14 1/2 months between. i haven't breastfed for 8 weeks and my period still hasn't come back..i have period pains everyday though so probably close...

    Good luck :)

  4. Unfortunately I got my period six weeks after having my baby girl even though I breastfed her. And they have been really heavy ever since.

    I stopped breastfeeding after 9 months. My b***s stopped producing milk after about a week. I wore the nursing pads just in case for a few more days though! I did not want any accidents!  

  5. My first period came about 5 weeks after i stopped breastfeeding, but they were really irregular for a while, they were about 6-7 weeks apart. I also got the most horrendous migraine with my first one. So watch out for that. As for the milk production it seemed gone after about 3 weeks but i still get the occasional dribble now, 4 months later.

    Well done for breastfeeding for as long as you did, you have done so well, wish i could have made it that long.

  6. i breast fed for 7 months aswell it took about a week for my milk to stop and about 4 months for my period to come back.i had a few really heavy bleeds and they were irregular for about 6 months then they settled down aftre i went on the pill.if you have painful or heavy periods after you have finished go to the doctor and ask for the pill because it will sort them out

  7. the milk will dry up for some in one month for others after three weeks while others have to stay with it for two months, usually some people will start menstruating after three months of delivery, some immediately after weaning, that is whenever they stop breast feeding while others one year of delivery, the thing is that you cannot get pregnant untill you see your menstrual period even if it is for a day, no matter how little may be, but you must see it before getting pregnant

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