
How long ago did the media know the anthrax from the 2001 attacks came from the govt itself?

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and why did it keep leading peeps to think it was terrorists when it knew the anthrax came from inside the govt?

Isn't there still millions of peeps thinking it was terrorists that did it? How did that happen?

Is it reasonable to now expect us to buy that Ivins acted alone when this secret was hushed for all this time. If Ivins is truly a nutcase how did he have that position in the first place? It smells fishy to me. How 'bout U?

Why would the crooks in the govt do these anthrax attacks? Was it about getting the Patriot Act passed?,4670,AnthraxScientist,00.html

IF U want to learn more about the media before answering try on this film for size. Its about the merger of media and politics. It will knock your socks off. rolls over in his grave&ei=zm-OSI2TFZSOrQPFq4XhDg




  1. Raymond, I first heard about it through the media some years back and furthermore, always had suspected it might be.  Not dissing the army in anyway, I would have expected them to be experimenting with vaccines, etc. for it, as well as the CDC.

    Sad story about the man who took his life, I think there is more to that than we are being told right now.

  2. The government and media knew within weeks that the anthrax came from Fort Detrick, Maryland. Americans are too stupid to put 2 and 2 together.

    Yes, it absolutely was about getting the PATRIOT Act passed.

    9/11 was an inside job. Welcome to your police state. I thank all my fellow Americans for making this travesty possible. Your retardation, apathy, and overall ignorance have signed our death warrants.

    And if you really wanna know about the relationship between government and media, read a (free online) book called The Taking of America 1-2-3.

  3. They could probably analyze the strain and know very soon in the investigation that it originated from the US.

    Spreading anthrax is terrorism, regardless of who perpetrated it!  Al Qaeda is not the only people capable of being terrorists, anyone can be one, and any action that causes terror is an act of terrorism.

    As far as your allegation that spreading anthrax was done intentionally by our government in order to further support for the Patriot Act, consider this:

    If our government committed acts of terror against us to scare us into supporting the Patriot Act, why would they ever reveal that they were behind it?  Wouldn't keeping it a secret be in line with their plan?  Our government is being honest in revealing the suspected origin of these attacks, and considering it came from within, their honesty goes against your theory.

  4. The media knew about it all along. The prime suspect was an American working at Ft Detrick until he sued and got 5 million dollars.

    They just did not play up the inside job scenario because that would have cast doubt on the entire 9/11 operation.

    Daschle and Lehey were opposed to the Patriot Act. That's why the anthrax was sent to them. They quickly got the message and got on board.

    The whole truth is coming out in the open now and it will soon be impossible to find any sheeple still dumb enough to believe the government's fairy tale.

  5. They have known it came from government labs almost since the beginning and made no secret of that fact. That's why they went after Hatfield (Sp?) early on. He was from the same lab. There has never been a direct connection to the 9/11 attack and the anthrax attack. It was certainly "terrorism" but not the same kind of terrorism.

    The mainstream media nor the government never made a connection between the two, although there was obviously speculation... that was to be expected. That many people thought there was a connection is more thanks to the conspiracy theorists than the government and media. And of course, the longer the crimes went unsolved, the more the conspiracies germinated and grew.

  6. I actually live in the town that the guy who was responsible for everything, lived. (Lebanon, Ohio) He wasn't murdered, he killed himself after he found out that he was going to be prosecuted. The FBI had been in our town about a year ago researching his house, the pharmacy his Dad owned ECT.

  7. That same day. That guy was blamed and then murdered by the way.

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