
How long am I going to jail for a felony car theft?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I'm 18, and I've never been in trouble before(no qpriors). I'm being charged with car theft, trafficking(cause I ran a red light and that's how I got pulled over), police evasion( because I tryed to run), and those are my charges. It happened in the city of Washington. D.C. and the car wasn't damaged and there was nothing missing from the car. The court appointed lawyer I have hasn't even called me so she doesn't care it's not like she's getting paid..I regret what I did. It was a spur of the moment thing, but I also know there's a consequence for every action I make. My trial is tommorow at 9:30am.




  1. Your appointed lawyer won't contact you until the morning of the preliminary hearing.  All you're doing tomorrow is pleading guilty or not guilty.  The judge will also set bail.  If you are remanded to prison, your appointed lawyer will see you there to discuss your options.  If you post, your appointed lawyer will contact you at home via certified mail.  You will get your court date tomorrow as well.

    The problem your facing is multiple felonies.  Regardless of the fact you're a first timer, a felony is a felony.  If you go before a 'hanging judge' you will be in worse trouble.  Ask your appointed lawyer their opinion about the judge(s) you will be facing.

    Make sure you research your charges and discuss possible outcomes with your appointed lawyer.

  2. Its impossible to predict something like that, it depends on you history, your attitude, your lawyer & the prosecutor, even on the judge's mood & the time of day.

  3. Gosh, I don' t know... I won't give you a lecture, it sounds as though you now see the error of your mistake.  Taking (i.e., stealing ) a car is a pretty serious crime. I'm not sure what the minimum carries. IF you have never been in trouble b4 you may have a better chance of not doing a lot of time (or any--not sure). I would try to get in contact with my lawyer and be talking...Good luck and hope this helps... it seems like you have learned an important lesson--all choices have results....

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