
How long am I supposed to put up with this noise?

by  |  earlier

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Some fool has been driving his RC car around the green in front of my house for half an hour. It's a huge car, so it sounds like a moped continuously revving. It's so annoying.

Am I meant to just put with this sound, even though I can hear it through double glazing? The green is public property and it's only 8.40pm here. But it's so annoying!




  1. go ask if you can drive it, then accidently crash it badly enough to keep it from running.

  2. You might call the local authorities. Say it is speeding and creating a public nuisance and if they may kill someone.  

  3. Ring the polis, and tell them ther is a man outside your house, with an RC car  masturbating feverishly in front of children, innocently playing on the green. That should do it.

  4. Go out and ask them to stop nicely and if that dont work chuck em some knuckles

  5. Phone the police  

  6. At 9 phone the police... only if its thaaaaaaat bad. Try talking to the person politely first.

  7. I had the exact same problem, except there was a group of 4. I simply knocked on a few neighbours doors fro a bit of moral support and we simply approached them and asked them politely if they could stop as it was past 9pm. Seem to do the trick for me.

  8. Call the police if they are still doing it after 9pm. Also ask if there are any council employed wardens or community support officers that can come out to deal with this idiot. Go onto your local councils website and the police website to see if they have any information to help. I can sympathise with what you are going through as i used to have teenagers playing football off my house at midnight. Do not go out and say anything otherwise this might start tormenting you for revenge. Good luck and i hope this helps.

  9. You have the right to call the police to report a noise disturbance.

    You could also confront the individual and request that they do it elsewhere, such as at a park.

  10. I would wait it out til atleast 9.  They are just enjoying an out door activity (there are alot of people who don't).  I am sure it is annoying but it is not like they are doing it to purposedly  drive you crazy.  

  11. Well, I think I would call the police and report him as a suspicious person. Why would someone do what he's doing unless he nuts?

  12. I understand your frustration but if it's public property then I don't think there is much you can do aside from go out and politely ask him to stop. If it goes much past 9:00 then I would say thats rude of them.

  13. You want the council, Environmental Health.  There may be an out-of-hours number listed on your local councils' website.  Failing that, get an air-rifle.

  14. You can call the environmental health department under the noise complaints, or you could contact the police saying that he is a danger to the kids in the streets and is driving dangerously that usually works for me.

  15. RALLY the neighbours for support and put an end to it now , else its the same again tomorrow evening.

  16. If it goes on for some time then call the old bill.

  17. Get a sledge hammer and take it out there and ask him to stop or you'll stop it for him.  and SMASH that thing.  It will make you feel so much better.

  18. Take a deck chair out, plonk it in the middle of where he is driving, sit down with a cup of coffee and a good book.  He'll either run you over or move on.  Hopefully move on.  

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