
How long am i spoused to bleed after giving birth to a child?

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  1. with my first i bled 6 weeks and got a period a week later. with my second i bled for 3 weeks and got a period right at 6 weeks. with my third i bled for 2 weeks and had a period again at exactly 6 weeks

  2. I had postpartum hemmorhage with 3 blood transfusions and a D & C  so you need to be safe than sorry when this is concerned as I almost died.  If you are at all concerned call the doctor, if they blow you off like they did me insist on it until you get the help that you need.  I passed lots of huge clots and if they tell you it's normal its not and you need to be seen

  3. Every person and every birth is different. I bled for 8 weeks and had clots and it was come and go bleeding with my 1st through 3rd. With my 4th, the bleeding is almost gone after 3 weeks. Well, there's 2 sources of bleeding - one is blood that needs to come out of your uterus to cleanse your body. That blood tapers off but can be come and go for 8-9 weeks. That blood generally turns brown. The other sources of blood comes from your stitches if you had any tearing. That should go away if you stay off your feet in about 2 weeks. If you see any bright red blood -it's probably from your stitches. If you bleed enough to fill up an entire pad and it's bright red - contact your doctor. If you ever notice a foul odor, have bad cramps when your not breastfeeding or experience a fever, check with your doctor in case of infection.

  4. You could bleed up to your 6 week appointment. If you are concerned make sure to phone your physician!



    In the field of obstetrics, lochia is post-partum vaginal discharge, containing blood, mucus, and placental tissue. Lochia discharge typically continues for 4 to 6 weeks after childbirth and progresses through three stages.

    Lochia rubra is the first discharge, red in color because of the large amount of blood it contains. It typically lasts no longer than 3 to 5 days after birth.

    Lochia serosa is the term for lochia which has thinned and turned brownish or pink in color. It contains serous exudate, erythrocytes, leukocytes, and cervical mucus. This stage continues until around the tenth day after delivery.

    Lochia alba is the name for lochia once it has turned whitish or yellowish-white. It typically lasts from the second through the third to sixth week after delivery. It contains fewer red blood cells and is mainly made up of leukocytes, epithelial cells, cholesterol, fat, and mucus.

    Lochia generally has an odor similar to that of normal menstrual fluid. Any offensive odor indicates a possible infection and should be reported to a healthcare provider.

    Involution happens quickly.  There is bleeding, however, and it's bright red for a couple of days ("lochia rubra"); by two weeks the weeping effect doesn't have enough blood mixed with it to keep it red, and a pale discharge is noted ("lochia alba"). Generally, bleeding should get less and less over time, but there can be some bursts of activity for up to a month. But for the most part, most of the real bleeding should be over within a few days.

    Summary. The duration of lochia and its association with a number of obstetric variables was studied in 236 women. Each woman completed a diary sheet describing the colour and duration of her lochia for up to 60 days post partum. The phases of lochia were divided according to the classical description; lochia rubra, serosa and alba. The median total duration of lochia was 33 days, lochia rubra 4 days and lochia serosa 22 days. Lochia persisted to 60 days in 13% of women. The duration of lochia was shorter in parous women and women with smaller babies.

  6. I bled untill the day after my 6 week checkup

  7. I did for a month. buy LOTS of heavy flow pads. Buy the good kind, you won't regret it.  

  8. 6 weeks is considered typical.  i bled to 6 weeks with my first, a little less with my second.

    you should not be passing large clots and the volume of blood should not be increasing.  it might get slower or faster within the 6 weeks, but it shouldn't get back up to the level of the first few days again.  if you have pain or fever, call the doc.  

  9. I bled a good amount for the first week or so. Then for 3 weeks it was comparable to a regular period flow. I was done by my 6 week post-partum checkup.

    Every woman is different, though. The only thing you really need to worry about is if you are passing BIG clots.

  10. A. Whatever type of birth you have had, you will bleed from the v****a, because the special lining of the uterus (womb) is no longer needed. The colour should gradually lighten from bright red to pink/brown and by the tenth day it should be a whitish yellow. It should stop entirely after three to four weeks.

    Notify your midwife or doctor if the discharge has a foul smell (the discharge should have the same smell as your normal menstrual flow); if a large clot is passed on more than one occasion or if you are worried about anything to do with the amount or consistency of your blood loss.

  11. i blood for a over a month.

  12. i bleed for four weeks congrats :)

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