
How long and how much is a bus travel from Delhi to Kathmandu in Nepal?

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I plan to visit India this November and Im already preparing. I was wondering though how long is a border crossing from India's Delhi to Nepal that will ultimately reach Kathmandu? Is this route possible? how much? How is the border immigration formalities. Please help. Thanks.




  1. It's possible and fun with some careful planning. It's around 22 hours travel by bus, but you need to change buses frequently. Better to take a train from Delhi to Gorakhpur (many trains daily). After that train, take a bus to Nepalese Border (Sunauli). It takes some 3 hours, and buses depart every 15-30 minutes. After crossing the border, take a bus to Kathmandu, which are available almost every 30 minutes. It takes 7 hours, half of it is hilly road.

    US and EU citizens practically face no immigration problem except for a delay during lunch hours. Just show your passport, give them a passport photo, and pay 30-60$ for the type of visa you want and get stamped immediately.

    Keep your belongings secure and if possible, hold them continuously unless you reserve the highest class travel in train. After you cross the Indian border, your belongings are usually safe.

  2. BB is right. I think Gorakhpur to Sunauli is shorter. And you can book tickets online for train travel ( However, all travels can be paid on the spot, and no need of timely reservation. Enjoy!!

  3. i doubt that there are buses that go from delhi to kathmandu. you may have to get a train to somewhere closer and then catch a bus at the border. i went up on the top of a truck from the border but i don't recall place names as it was a long time ago and i was coming from calcutta. there is a good forum called INDIAMIKE  that you could join, where all your questions will be answered.

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