
How long are auditions??

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How long are auditions usually??? How long do they give you to read your monologue??




  1. Depends.  Auditions for roles in community theater musical productions run a few minutes.

  2. You do know you're not supposed to read a monologue, right? Anyway auditions are no longer than 5-10 minutes... just depends on the size of the theatre and how many people are auditioning that day...

  3. Well... what are you aduitioning for?? When I audition for play (musicals,) you sing a one minute song, then you are done. When you audition for movies, you normally go in whith a lot of people, and they will give ou somthing to read (I read a reses ceral commerical x]) and depending on if you have what they are looking for the might ask you back. Same things for comemricals. ;]

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