
How long are contractions supposed to be for? ?

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I am 34 weeks and starting to get some more painful BH contractions that maybe last 5 seconds or so. Am I really feeling BH or is it just a sharp pain in my belly? Also, just for future knowledge, how long are contractions at each stage supposed to last for so I can try and tell the difference.

The pains I am feeling now feel like little period cramps and intensify when I've been on my feet or bending a lot and things.

Sorry this is my first pregnancy and don't really know what to expect and so many women are pregnant where I'm from that I couldn't get into a prenatal class to find all this out. I have read books but would like some real input into my own case. Thanks a lot ladies!




  1. real contractions vary in intensity and length depending on how established labour is so no one can answer this question with a one figure answer im afraid. it is very common for BH to become very intense in the last few weeks of pregnancy but if in doubt go to your hospital and get put on a monitor which can tell you if they are real contractions or not.

  2. I was very nervous during my only pregnancy with many questions, I understand! About as far as you, near the end I started getting sharp pains that went from my belly through my thighs. Those are nothing like contractions. Contractions are intense throughout the entire lower ab-uterus area. Mine started small then got worse. I think they can last a few minutes, but mine never seemed to last more than a minute. I got the epidural and thank God I did. The contractions became unbearable. It is hard because you don't know how it's going to happen, but you WILL know when it's time.

  3. Contractions start off weak and far apart then gradualy get stronger come quiker and last longer. Like say you might start off every 10 mins getting contractions then when your dilated more they come like every 5 mins then 2 mins and hurt real bad this is just a rough estimate of how they come hope this helps good luck with the birth of your baby.

  4. when your contractions are about 5 minutes apart and lasting about a minute long, you know its time to go to hospital

  5. They last however long they need to.  I would call your doctor and tell them about what your feeling.  THey may want you to go in and be put on the monitors to see if you are havnig contractions  

  6. This is going to sound really funny.  If they are only lasting five seconds and feel like menstrual cramps, it could be gas.  It feels like that.  Rub your left and right sides and it could go away.

  7. Before it feels like cramps, it feels like your belly tightens up without pain at first, and lasts a few seconds.

    Eventually, they got more painful and longer but to a rhythm.

    they get worse and worse.

    My first labor lasted 24 hrs.

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