
How long are most of your accounts open??? Mine is 1 yr old today?? lol?

by  |  earlier

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hi katkat, I told shady i was putting this question up just to annoy him as he's after losing hundreds...pmsl




  1. i have had this account for 14 months now

    i just checked  

  2. Happy Birthday! Im not very old yet less than 6 months

  3. One year tomorrow, how sad is that. Perhaps we had better all sing Happy Birthday lol

  4. Since the 30th of July 2006 so 2 years.

  5. You’re just asking for your account to be suspended, aren’t yah? Only to happy too oblige, doll.

  6. Over a year now.

    Happy Yapoo birthday Sasha!

  7. congratulations!  

  8. 7 months old.....bloody h**l

    Happy anniversary :))

  9. Happy birthday love, and to think it was I who introduced you to this place , two weeks was the longest i got lol


    if you start giving intelligent answers you will even get a big orange  badge like Plato , so considering  you have not accomplished that badge in twelve months , you will have to also  except this birthday gift  lol

  10. *grumble*

    *memo to self* report mrs, S until she gets suspended!!!

    Hiya Mrs S. Happy Yapoo Birthday!!!


  11. Aww happy yahoo birthday. This one isn't very old. My original one joined on Sep 27 last year :)

  12. happy birthday, and welcome to the club.

  13. Happy Birthday lol

    Mine would have been but was suspended so only from April this year!

    You can have my badge Mrs S-it 's like a ball and chain follows me round everywhere!

  14. Mine has been open for 8 months and a week - it will have been open for a year on my 40th birthday.

    Happy birthday to you!

    OMG less than 4 months to the big 40!

  15. mines only a week!lol-long way 2 go- but it was my 4th bday with msn the otherday!

  16. Congratulations!

    Mine will be  2 years on 31st August, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'm not tempting fate!

  17. I had my first one for exactly one year.

    21/11/06 - 21/11/07 I was on level 6 when they took Lady Claire from me.  

  18. Sorry but  I did     not know, or I would have got you a card, I will remember next year, as I will put you in my Diary. Cheers .. you can carry on now and get to your second year.

  19. 5th April 2006.... i need to get a life!!

  20. Coming up to 1 year and 1month.

  21. Me I've been here since March 06.

    Addicted, stuck & can't find the exit!

    Or addicted, sad & have no friends.

    Or addicted, lonely & agoraphobic.

    & Only I know which one is true.


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