
How long are they pregnant ?

by  |  earlier

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how long are these little guys are pregnant for is it 28 days







  1. Well I had three fish and two died (they were both males). Three months later my tank was swarming with little babies. The mum ate like half of them though..... lol

  2. Yes around that time

    You will know when they are ready to give birth because it looks like they are going to pop because they are so round they will also spend a lot of time near the top of the tank and around by plants so the fry can quickly take in some air/oxygen and then swim quickly down to the floor and in plants and ornaments.

    the parents are likely to eat their young so if you want to keep the fry make sure that there are plenty of hiding places.

    Eventually you will be over run with fry so you may either have to get another tank or you sell them on.

    hope this helps  

  3. yeah 28 is normally it. Good luck though you'll have 100 of them within a few months lol

  4. mollies are pregnant for 4-6 weeks

    platies are pregnant for 4-6 weeks

    swordtails are pregnant for 4-6 weeks

    guppies are every 28 days

    i have all these fish and many more in my tank

    hope this helps u out and good luck  

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