
How long are vegetables good? how long are potatoes, carrots, broccoli, spinach, tomato, and lettuce good for?

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Have can you be sure if they are still good and what is the best way to keep them fresh?




  1. Keep them in the vegetable crisper (drawer) in the fridge.

    Potatoes can be good for months. They may start growing sprouts, but that's ok. Bad potatoes will be rotten.

    Carrots can last a couple weeks, and are best stored in a bag or tupperware, otherwise they go limp.

    Broccoli lasts about a week, and will go yellow as it goes bad.

    All the rest likewise about a week.

    You can freeze numerous vegetables, google for info on freezing veggies to keep them.

  2. The best way to know when something is going bad is to know what it: looks, feels, and smells like when it's fresh.

    Potatoes -

    Can be kept in a cold dry place for weeks. if they develpe eyes just cut them off before cooking. When they do go bad they get soft and smell horrid.

    Carrots, Broccoli, Spinach & Lettuce -

    Should be kept in the refrigerator's veggie tray. I leave them in the bag they came in and if not used they start getting limp in a week or so.


    Can be kept on the counter like any fruit, but once they are dead ripe they should be kept refrigerated. They get soft and smelly when bad. I'd say they last a week to 10 days.

    The best rule with any food is - when in dought throw it out.

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