
How long are we going to put up with Mexican impudence and federal neglect of duty? ?

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President George W. Bush, in China attending the Olympic Games, responded promptly to Russia's invasion of Georgia with the caveat that "territorial integrity must be respected." We're still waiting to hear the Bush administration's response to this month's invasion of Arizona's territorial integrity by the Mexican military.

More than 40 times this year, the Mexican military has crossed the U.S.-Mexico border. The Mexicans even held a U.S. border guard at gunpoint.Some pretend there is a "misunderstanding" about exactly where the border is. But border guards say there is a barbed-wire fence at the point where the Mexican military entered the United States.

The open-borders crowd claims that a fence is useless because people can easily climb it, but a Mexican army truck can't do that.

Nor can Mexican vans loaded with illegal drugs climb a fence. All the talk we hear about our "war on drugs" is totally hypocritical so long as no fence is built to keep out the drug-laden trucks.

It's not just Mexican military vehicles that are invading our space. Again this month we read about an SUV packed with illegal immigrants that evaded detection by our Border Patrol and then rolled over on a highway southeast of Phoenix, killing nine people and injuring the other 10 on board.

They were crammed into two bucket seats in front and three seats in the back of a speeding Chevrolet Suburban. A border patrol spokesman commented, "The smuggler doesn't care if their cargo lives or dies" because he's already been paid.

But we care about the law, about highway safety, and about the cost. Ten people with critical injuries, who had no right to be here, are now being treated in Arizona hospitals at U.S. taxpayer expense.

When will the Bush administration stand up for the territorial integrity of the United States against foreign military vehicles, vans with illegal immigrants, truckloads of illegal drugs driven by professional drug dealers, and unsafe trucks and drivers that don't meet U.S. standards?




  1. Bush is on his way out he doesn't care anymore and Obama will let them all in.Nothing is going to change until we have a civil war and it will come to that when the american citizens had enough of Illegals and Idint't mean just the mexicans I mean all illegals from around the world that come here and conveniently forget to go back.

  2. Ever notice how Mexicans always use that lame "would you pick crops" argument.  What kind of fool thinks immigrants and illegals only pick crops.

    If that's all they got as an argument for a decent question, that's pathetic.

    Immigrants benefit the economy, not illegal Mexicans.

  3. Do you have proof for your claims? or are you making this up??

    The only story I know, is the ONE were the border agents were held at gun point because nobody was sure were the borders meet because there aren't any kind of markers in the area. Everybody went home to tell another story. So! where's your story?

    Just incase you weren't aware, here's the NON-BIASED story.

    Mexican Soldiers Enter AZ, Hold Agent

    TUCSON, Ariz. -- Four Mexican soldiers crossed into Arizona and held a U.S. Border Patrol agent at gunpoint before realizing where they were and returning to Mexico, federal authorities said Wednesday.

    They lowered their weapons after about four minutes when the agent convinced them of who he was and where they were, she said. The soldiers then retreated into Mexico.

    But other areas on the reservation and other stretches of border either have only barbed wire or no markers at all, making it hard to distinguish the boundary.

    "There are places where there are no markers, at least not easily found," said Lloyd Easterling, a Border Patrol spokesman in Washington. "There's no line painted in the sand or anything like that."

    He added: "We're working with the Mexican government to make sure that this doesn't happen again. This can't be happening."

  4. the reason why the mexican army winds up on american soil is because they are pressured by us to stop the illegal drug flow into the u.s.  so the mexican army is out there patrolling... if you ever travel about northern mexico you can see that. its a police state in northern mexico. the mexican army is everywhere...making busts and stopping drugs and arresting middle eastern illegals (possible terrorists?) in mexico with false documentation from getting anywhere near the border. thats why the white house wont do a d**n thing about it....the mexican army has been given the green light to do whatever... yet, the sad part is the drug problem isnt a mexican problem. its an american problem. mexico doesnt have a drug problem except for not being able to satiate the american appetite for drugs....even with a wall there are millions of american drug users and drug smugglers who have more than a fair hand at getting drugs to this side.  what will a wall do, except cost money?  but you dont hear about that...cuz its not interesting to report in the media.... what ppl want to hear about is how bad things the misinformed racist fueled half-wits can pretend to be politically aware just to spout their racist views and half truths.  first mexico wasnt doing doing they are literally on top of the border policing it yet that still isnt enough. why? cuz american demands for drugs are limitless!!!!  mexico cant supply drugs to americans fast enough!!! its a good thing mexico is next door...who would we blame for all our ills? we would have to fault our whiney racist selves for not being made from the same stuff our grandparents were. the rest of the world has caught up to us and instead of picking up the pace and making this country great again, we sit around and play the blame game (mexico this and mexico that...). i think we have more things to worry about than a border we share with ppl whos only crime is wanting to work...and work hard. something we have forgotten to do lately...unless you call blaming other ppl work.

  5. It will stop when the American citizens stand firm in insisting the government put an end to illegal immigration and close our borders.

    Our voices ended the attempt at amnesty last summer. We all need to frequently email, fax, call, snail mail our Senators and Representatives insisting the problem be addressed to the BENEFIT of citizens, not illegal aliens.

    Together, we must remind our elected officials that while we can vote, illegal aliens cannot and that we are losing all patience with their failure to secure our border and protect our national sovereignty.  

  6. I think they should a be rounded up like caddle. branded, then sent back to mexico,

    Im sick of politicions going soft on them, for votes, these things aren't civilized to be here, we should shoot on sight at the border, that

    would really scare them, and send a message to the other illegals that there simply not wanted here, and g*y ppl are so quick to draw the race card out, its not a racist problem,

    i say we'll have this problem for awhile

  7. My answer is;

    $500 Billion Dollars Spent On Iraq!

    There is nothing left for the Useless Idea(?!) of Securing This Country!

    That isn't on the Republican Agenda.

    hope my answer helps.

  8. Nothing will change until both Democratic and Republican parties are ousted out of Senate and Congress.  And especially from the white house office.

  9. When there is a politician who has enough balls to stand up against them. Most politicians seem to want to appease the Latino community to gain the Hispanic vote.  

  10. Do you want to do the crop picking?

    Immigrants benefit the economy whether they are Mexican or not. I agree with you with the drugs (that has to stop), but I think you aren't focusing on the real problem which is the WAR. This has cost us lots of money and I don't think we are done paying the Cold War and the Vietnam War. US is in debt.

    Focus in education and program assistance to benefit US citizens and residents (the real problem).

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