
How long are we supposed to endure a "test" according to Allah?

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Its taking a life time. Any tips to keep my spirits up? What do you guys do when you feel down? What is the Islamic way to deal with it?




  1. Our entire life is a test.So, dont think that was it, many more to come.

  2. Only Allah (SWT) decides when he wants this world to be over. You should be happy its taking a lifetime, that means more time to repent, pray, and ask allah for forgiveness. Spend your time wisely, and dont procrastinate because for all you know Qiyamah can be tomorrow.

  3. Just pray. Allah will not test you beyond your limits. He knows how much his servants can take.

    Sometimes, one becomes lazy with a'maal. Qur'aan recitation, 5 daily prayers etc. Allah then sends down problems to remind them to continue those a'maal.

    Once the person continues that deed Allah lifts the problem.

    A person will always have problems. When one problem goes another takes it's place.

    If Allah never inflicted troubles upon us we would forget Him.

    All praises be to Allah at all times and in all circumstances.

  4. well, brother from what i know!! it has not limit, our entire life is one test aka Imtihan,  but the deal is that we have to follow our religion.  when i feel really down, i make wudu  then pray two rakat nafals prayer, and read some Qur'an!!!

    May allah (swt) help you with your problems.

  5. Remember Allah Frequently..

    be steadfast ,with salat..keep giving zakat...

  6. Allah tells us to be patient. And if you say "Well, I've been patient," then you're not really being patient, because that's a sign of impatience. Just be patient, and make du'a. Remember that whatever happens, good or bad, it's from Allah. And he knows best. Just trust in him. I would suggest buying Hamza Yusuf's "The Seventeen Benefits of Tribulation" at    Trust me, his stuff is amazing, Masha'Allah.  Everything will work out, Insha'Allah.


  7. Throughout ure entire life. Just remember Allah and pray to Him. For indeed, "He is always with the believers."

    Peace for all!

  8. brother Allah does not burden a soul with what it cannot bear..and the other bros/sis are right..our whole life is a test

    remember Jannah is surrounded by hardships and Jahannam (hellfire) by temptations.

    something that should keep u going is to remember that the prophet PBUH said that we should be in this life like a traveller seeking shade under a tree..meaning this life is so short compared to the the tests may be hard but they wont be for too long inshaAllah and at the end of it we get eternal happiness!!

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