
How long before 'absentminded' McCain, 'inexperienced' Palin make into the Liberal Talking points hopper?

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I would find it very revealing if they start using those terms, because they are straight from Iranian State TV...




  1. They won't. Democrats did though.

  2. as opposed to the inexperienced Obama and absentminded Biden?

  3. You're trying to act as if those terms are inappropriate.  They're not, regardless of who uses them.  

  4. Vote for Obama, endorsed by Iran, Ayers, Wright, Resco, Ect. ect.

    Why the thumbs down, SNTO ?

  5. How long  will it be before Obama can tell one thing and tell it the same way a week later without huh, huh, huh.  Inexperienced Palin as you call her will do fine.  She doesn't need an Obama pitbull, she can take care of herself.  I can still feel the earth atilt today with all of the Democrats squirming.  Hillery!!!!!!!!!!where are

  6. I think they already have because I believe that's where the Iranians got them from.

  7. McCain has done more and has rationale plans as he has been in national.  And Palin has done more as governor than Obama ever did as a state or US senator.  Obama has no experience and has done squat except rush through political positions just to be President.

  8. Not long.

    Obama  wants change from your pocket and greenbacks from your wallet.

    McCain not Hussein

    Osama Biden Laden

    McCain/Palin '08




  9. I'm not surprised that Iran likes Obama.  He just wants to "talk".  They know McCain will stand up to them.  "Absent minded".  It is sad what a brain aneurysm will do to some ones mind.  My husband had one, so has Biden.  "Inexperienced".  Obama's experience hasn't impressed me.  Funding a slum and running for office.

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