
How long before America becomes a homogeneous race?

by Guest61591  |  earlier

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This was featured in a Times article a while ago.




  1. I am not sure we will ever be homogeneous but I would think it would take at least a hundred generations so figure 2000 years.

  2. It'll happen in europe before it happens in America.  I'd say several thousands years.  No time soon.

  3. Humans even in America still seem to go through assortive mating. That is, blacks mostly mate with blacks, whites with whites, etc. Obviously there is a continuum, but I think there will always be variation, and we will never just all blend together into the same 'race'.

  4. My great great fear is that Americans WILL become a  RACE ( You know Aryan, Untermenchen, the whole n**i bit) I object to word and concept of "race"!

    But if America were to let loose a lot of it's cultural baggage to become a truly united nation that scares me shocking. I imagine an even more jingoistic America the feels it owns the World and can do anything any where . Doesn't anyone listen to Putin?

  5. I'd give it another 93 years--the year 2100--if not longer.

    Right now there are more races and cultures living here than ever before.  (Yes, there was Ellis Island, but mostly all of those people came from Europe).  Not everyone intermarries, but plenty do.  We fall in love with who we fall in love with.

    There are so many countries represented in the United States from every continent.  I think it may take longer than those 93 years for every person to be within a homogeneous race.

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