
How long before Enviro-Whackos complain about fireworks??

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How long do you think it will be before the environmental nuts try to ban fireworks because they hurt the ozone layer??!




  1. fireworks don't hurt the ozone layer. so no. they do however contribute to acid rain but it is really to small to matter. fireworks are however banned in many country's because they are somewhat dangerous.

  2. Well there's a whole spectrum of enviro wakos out there (and it's fair to call anyone who wants to impose their beliefs on you a wacko).  When you see visible smoke and detectable smells of fireworks - some people are going to say this is raping the Earth.  

    Other enviro wakos don't want to appear quite so irrational so they just compain about how much their pets suffer.

  3. A long time becasue fireworks don't "hurt" the ozone layer.

    If you don't want to look after the planet perhaps you should leave.

  4. As of yesterday there were about a dozen questions asked if fireworks caused / helped / contribute to / global warming or climate change.  Other questions asked if fireworks were bad for the ozone layer.  Some asked if we should ban fireworks from now on.  

    Oy!  The superstitions.  What has Uncle Al, wrought?

  5. Now that one might take a couple of brains to try and think how a once a month BANG will cause global warming

    .. . ..

    So I kind of think this one will be put in the dwar of stupid ones to even try and convince Mr. and Mrs. Public to worry about

    .. .. .

  6. Yesterday...I guess you missed it:

  7. wont be long!! people just got to stick their nose in others business. I don't think they will say it would hurt the environment but might scare the wildlife maybe something like that

  8. Didn't your mama teach you it's not polite to call people names?  

    I guess I'm what you consider to be that kind of person.  I don't feel any particular need to put a label on you, so let me just say that yeah, I'll complain, but not the way you may have supposed.  We have 2 cats and a dog, and we live in a city where fireworks are legally sold.  Mid afternoon the cacophony of fireworks begins, building to a crescendo in the evening.  Mind you, it was hot and humid but we had all the windows closed as people shot off their fireworks, legal and otherwise.  But it's a community thing.  Neighbor after neighbor is out front, "oohing" and "ahhing" each others displays, even catching the top of the grand finale of a professional show down the hill.

    I'm very aware of all the smoke and the debris left behind -- most of which is cleaned up promptly -- but it's a time for family and friends to get together and remember why America is great.

    If you want to make something as noble as that into an "us" and "them" question, it's your prerogative.  But we're the united United States, remember?

    The dog survived but is sleeping in, apparently exhausted from being so jumpy all afternoon and evening.

  9. Maybe it's just that you don't like people who care about the environment. I like how you overstate a position to make them look like communist, freedom hating pigs. Well, I happen to care for the environment. I also served my country for 9 years, with part of that time in combat, just so someone as ignorant as you can shoot off at the mouth with some stupid statement. Enjoy your right to be stupid and I will continue to defend it. We do need stupid people, so thanks for volunteering! If you were in the stupid army, you would rise up the ranks quickly to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Stupid.

  10. Don't be giving them new ideas or they'll probably try.  I like fireworks and wouldn't want to seem them banned because of stupidity.

  11. with liberals in charge, soon i am afraid. they are always looking for a way to ban something fun...they do not know how to have fun i guess !!   the saying drill Alaska, s****  the caribou comes to mind ....  my 20 years with the liberals in charge, we will not be allowed to do anything. they will start with cars and make us go the complete and total public transit. next will be if it MIGHT cause a problem with the ozone layer, it is banned. global warming....the polar bears will have more freedom than we will !!!    sorry to rant...

  12. Not long, knowing them. Actually, I saw a question posted under the Environment section in which the asker asked whether we should use fireworks considering their environmental impact.

    But we will not let them take them away from us. We will buy loads of fireworks (if they are banned) before they are taken away and set many off each holiday!!!

  13. Those "Enviro-Whackos" are only trying to save your life, and the lives of any children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren you may spawn.

    Fireworks certainly aren't as much of a threat to our environment as vehicle emissions, smoke-belching factories  or toxic chemicals being released into our air. And I suppose, on the grand scale of things, fireworks aren't that much of a problem. But why would anyone want to contribute to the devastation of the very planet that gives them life just so they can watch a noisy, pretty display of gunpowder explode over their heads?

    Arrogance, ignorance, avarice, neglect, sloth and hubris have set in to alter our mindset - and not for the better. Before the first "illegal aliens" set foot on this land 401 years ago, the native American Indians considered this land sacred, taking from it only what they needed for the survival of their tribal communities.

    Then Jamestown settlers moved in, squatted on the Indians' lands, massacred most of those 'savage redskins' and refused to adapt Indian customs or learn Indian languages. As the new occupants of the land moved westward, they decimated the land, slaughtered millions of buffalo just for the sheer sport of it and left the carcasses to rot on the plains. As Indians watched in horror, these 'new Americans rampaged their way west without regard for the natural balance of nature. Eventually any surviving Indians were relocated to reservations (out of sight, out of mind). The new 'illegal aliens' then imported African slaves to be bought, sold and traded as personal property.

    Four centuries later our insolence has led us to believe that we are a 'superior' population which should be allowed to rape the soil of its nutrients, poison the waterways that sustain all life on Earth, and destroy the natural order of things just because we've developed the technologies with which to decimate the planet. in retrospect, "we" are the "savages".

    We have become terrible stewards of the Earth, operating under the assumption that "we" are more important than clean water, fresh air or sacred land. "We" assume it is our 'right' to over-fish the oceans; drill for oil in pristine regions of the planet; abolish remote Eskimo tribes; invalidate the mangrove forests; poison the waters; pollute the air; allow for the extinction of other species on Earth; disrupt the migration patterns of caribou; chop tops off mountains to get at all that coal; destroy the rain forests so we can eat cheap BigMacs and completely disregard the very existence of all other species on Earth just so we can tool around in gas-guzzling SUVs and Hummers or live in lavish six bedroom homes with four bathrooms to accommodate two people. We have ruined the planet all for the sake of our own selfish profit, comfort or convenience.

    So while we want to enjoy those sparkling fireworks displays, we don't give two hoots in h**l about elephants being slaughtered for their ivory tusks; the horse shoe crab* looming toward extinction; tsetse flies; 'uncivilized' tribes in the dense Brazilian jungles; dolphins; krill; wheat fields; birds; poisonous Amazonian frogs; coral reef; penguins; polar bears; polar ice caps; butterflies or any other of this planet's precious resources.

    Why? Because we're not intelligent enough to understand that without all of those other species, OUR species can't survive. And our Hummers and our six-bedroom homes will fail to sustain us if we have destroyed all of Earth's natural resources to acquire them.  -RKO-   07/05/08

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