
How long before I can hit the high notes on trumpet?

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I have been playing trumpet for about two months now.(Just a beginner, but I'm LOVING it) My instructor says that I have a terrific sound - very full, and not airy at all, and I can make good sounds without futzing them up too much on account of my embouchure. However, the highest I can go (while still maintaining a pure note) Is probably a D on the fourth bar line ( I know the terms for this, but my head isn't working right now. Ugh.) How long does it take, practice wise, before I can start hitting high cs? I've hit an E (above previously mentioned D), and maybe higher than that, but with no regularity or control. I'm just curious as to how long it will take for me to expand my range some. Low notes are pretty easy for me, and I can produce pure low Gs, but how long will it take for me to strengthen my embouchure to be able to hit the higher notes? Things like high Cs and Double high Cs I am obviously not even dreaming about - I'm just curious how long it takes to expand my range. Obviously I want to improve my skill and technique before I go for the high notes, but I'm just interested in how long it really takes to develop the lip strength.




  1. It depends on how much practise you put in. Try doing a snowball scale in G major (G, G-A-G, G-A-B-A-G, etc) because it helps to build you up for going higher. My teacher told me to imagine that I'm blowing out candles on a birthday cake and each time I move a note higher, 10 more candles are added. It sounds silly, but I do find it helps. Good luck!

  2. It all depends on how you develop.  Personally, I wasn't able to get past that D until my thrid year of playing. But, I started working a lot more, and my range shot up to the F above the staff by the end of my third year. (Of course, this was mainly because I got my braces off).

    Some advice for your range and endurance: Play a lot of long tones. For example, play G's on the staff, and just hold them out as long as you can, breathe, and repeat. Just make sure to not take the horn off your lips. And keep repeating this until you are too tired to play. Then stop. Just be sure to keep this seperate from your other practice.

    Also, keep in mind that range isn't everything, start working on your scales right now, and get a copy of Arban's Method book, and Clarke Technical Studies. These are my two favorite books to use, and they will definitely help you a lot.

    Good luck, and keep having fun.

  3. For 2 months D on the fourth bar line is great!! As far as practice for hitting a high c it really depends how you practice just keep trying, keep your horn high and use as much air as you can and really concentrate on it. The expansion of your range really does matter on how much you practice and upper lip strength comes in time but who knows you may be able to pull it off at a faster pace than others there is alot who do!

  4. you are doing great for only playing for two month. it really depends on how much you practice.

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