
How long before I get in an Amtrack should I be at the station?

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I am going on an Amtrack for the 1st time this weekend. I have to figure this whole thing out before I do something stupid. I am going to Chicago and need some help.

How early should I get to the train station?

Do they check bags?

Is there anything special I should know about riding a train?

When I get to Chicago, will they tell me when its time to hop off?

Do I take the 29 inch Samsonite roller on the train with me or do they have somewhere to put it?





  1. I would reccommend that you arrive at the station no less than 20 minutes prior to train time. Most larger stations have checked baggage service, but if not, there's room in the coaches to put your bags. If you're going to Chicago, they will definately announce it several times. Enjoy the trip! Amtrak is a great ride and you'll see lots of interesting scenery.

    RM Swinnerton, Engineer

  2. Got your ticket yet? Look up the train number, and on the day of your trip, call 1 800 USA RAIL. Use the automated voice system to check the train's progress. AMTRAK is never early and it is frequently late. (It's not their fault, they have a contract to ride other train companies tracks. If the other companies tell them to stop and let our train pass through, they have to.)

    So if the train is going to be an hour and a half late, why stand or sit around for and hour and a half? But you still need to be there 30 to 45 minutes before the train arrives.

    They do check bags. You can hand it over to the station agent and not worry about it until you get to where you are going. AMTRAK workers will unload the baggage car and return your bag to you. In larger stations, this may be at a luggage carosel, like they have at the airport. In smaller stations, they will unload the luggage onto a truck, and drive the truck up to a waiting area, where the bags will be unloaded. KEEP YOUR TICKET STUB, you'll need the sticker to confirm that is your bag!

    Trains sway. It's not a roller coaster, but whenever you get up to move around, keep one hand on a seat. Grab it if the train shifts and you weren't expecting it.

    The food is GOOD. The dining car is top-notch, but it costs $$$. The price of dining car meals is included if you have a sleeper compartment, so don't be shy!

    The snack bar is a small fast food restaurant with some seating. They have ice, beer (They card!), soda, candy, and a food that they nuke before serving. Get a soda and a hot dog, grab a seat, and watch the world go by. Chat up any interesting looking people!

    If you have the top bunk in the 2-bed sleeper compartment, here's how you get into the bunk: Right hand grabs the rail next to the mirror. Right foot steps up onto the closed toilet seat. Left foot steps up onto the back of the toilet, just in front of the mirror. Left hand grabs the rail to your left. Keep pushing up, let go of the rail with your right hand, and swing into the bunk. (It's easy!)

    The conductor will come by and say "Next Stop, Chicago!" during the day. If it is night or it looks like you missed the announcement, he'll usually tap you on the shoulder and remind you that this is your stop. If you're in a sleeper compartment, he'll knock, and let you know that you're getting close to your stop when you open the door. (He gives you extra time in case you need to pack, so "close to your stop" may be a half hour or more!)

    If you can, pack small, and carry your stuff onto the train with you in a backpack. That's what I do. While the folks with baggage are standing around waiting to claim their bags, I grab my backpack, throw it over my shoulder, and get off the train. Jump in one of the Taxi's that hang around, and I'm gone!

    Don't sweat it. They have new riders all the time, and you're gonna have a blast.

  3. when i traveled with amtrack they say to be there at least 30  mins early, they dont check bagage till u are bording if its oversized thell put it in a special room on train, yes they call all sttops when they stop at train stationsso you will hhear your stp, try askin some nice passangers some know train routes and can tell u what town/station is before yours so you are ready,  some amtracks u can even take a bike on! hope this helps

  4. Everything you need to know:

    (Traveling with Amtrak from

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