
How long before Palin gets to campaign on her own?

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Will she say something really stupid?




  1. She can't.  McCain needs those short whispers in his ear.  Now that Lieberman was rejected, he will need her help him keep his facts straight.

  2. She won't.

    Look, McCain has to ask her to withdraw. She started by presenting herself and her family as his squeaky-clean model of "family values" and "Christian virtue"--while knowingly concealing the fact that her daughter was a pregnant tramp.

    She's useless as a running mate. If McCain doesn't ditch her he's even dumber than she is.

  3. I can't for the life of me imagine who she plans top appeal to.

    Feminists...definitely not.

    Fundies...blew that.

    Hillary hope.

    Supermoms...blew their argument.


  4. uhh uhh uhh like Obama uhh uhh uhh

    she will appeal to the conservatives .  If you arent one you wouldnt understand.

  5. she already has something stupid.  any comment she made about being against the "bridge to nowhere" is stupid, because she forgot to include the fact that when she campaigned for Governor, a little more than 20 months ago, she was a supporter of that bridge and in particular the money it would bring in to Alaska.

    and by the way, she did that on the very first day she campaigned.

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