
How long before US military indoctrination ceremonies require recruits to pledge an oath to zionism too?

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How long before US military indoctrination ceremonies require recruits to pledge an oath to zionism too?




  1. You know what? Zionism is already a part of the Oath, think about it, the US is a puppet of Zionism! So what makes you think they aren't lying to those taking an oath that it isn't Zionism? Zionism is under everyone's noses, they just can't realize it, they smell it but don't want to taste it and accept it.

    Thanks for asking this question, I hope many read this and think about it truly.

  2. Based on the recent track record, I'd say, never.  Nor is there any rational reason for anyone to think it might happen.

    Oh, the deep, strange paranoia of the left!

  3. Please tell me you are not coming to Denver for the DNC.

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