
How long before bologna is bad, when not refrigerated?

by Guest56758  |  earlier

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I bought a package of turkey bologna, and some other stuff. I accidentally left it sitting out for roughly nine hours after I bought it. Never opened it. Still good? If so, how long before it would've been bad?




  1. Its fine as long as your house wasnt like 85 degrees or it was sitting in the sun

  2. i personally will not eat it if it sets out longer than 8 hours...  

    open it, see if it stinks, then take it from there.   Also take into effect that left out, each hour takes a day off the life of it.

  3. Husband works for the Health Dept.  It's supposed to be thrown out after sitting out for 4 hrs.

  4. Everyone will tell you" if in doubt, throw it out" but it's still good.

    I leave mine out all the time( overnight) and I'm still alive after a very long time doing it.

    I'm also in the business.

    It's good and don't worry.

    (You can also leave the mayo out for weeks) and the FDA will attest to that.

  5. It is probably okay; you can always open it up and smell it. If it smells bad, then toss it.

  6. if you didn't open it it's all good if you left it out a whole day i wouldn't eat it but 9 hours is no big.

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