
How long before english is replaced by spanish or chinese as the language of wealth and privledge?

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How long before english is replaced by spanish or chinese as the language of wealth and privledge?




  1. As soon as you learn how to spell 'privledge'.

  2. May be it would be a good idea to learn another language besides English.

  3. thats only a misconception, people learn english because the want to do business in english speaking countries, if you want to do business in japan you learn japanese, in germany you learn german, and so on

    even though english is spoken in every country, it is still one of the least spoken, btw the english we speak in america is a lauguage composed of words from many other languages, mainly  all the romance languages( spanish, french, italian,) if you heard true english that was spoken in the 13th century england we wouldnt understand it,

    english isnt a language of wealth and privaledge, it is one of opportunity,

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