
How long before i get a sign?

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my son committed suicide 6 months today i have as of yet to get but 1 sign he's been to see me i smelled his colgne on halloween his favorite holiday but i want a dream or a sighting something how long does it take?




  1. Don't you want to believe he is doing well and in heaven?

    Do you really want for him to be roaming around on earth unable to have any meaningful interaction with living people?

    Read the Bible and learn what Jesus taught us about dying.

  2. I can even begin to imagine what you are going through. I will take along time to get over what you have went through. If I where you I would go for help.

  3. sorry to hear about your loss. stop Wanting, relax, he'll come to you. you are to anxious. just keep praying. stop questioning.

  4. I'm so sorry for the loss of your son. As a mother, I just cannot imagine. But sweetheart, smelling his cologne IS a sign. That means that he was with you, beside you. He's with you every single day. He longs to tells you that he's all right, hates to see you suffering so. I get a sense that he might not know how, but have you asked him to come to you in your dreams? You might also pray to God (if you believe) and ask God to help him come to you in your dreams. But actual sightings...unless you have the sight (and not everyone does), an actual manifestation takes quite a bit of energy for the spirit. I'm really not sure how that works, TBH, I just know it takes a lot of energy for them to do it, that's why whenever you see a ghost manifesting they usually disappear right away, they can't sustain it.

    Other signs...goosebums on the backs of your arms, the hairs on the backs of your neck standing on end, cold spots (icy cold, like standing in the snow naked cold that leaves your feet or hands almost numb in only a few minutes). open your mind and look outside your box, because honey, he's already there trying to get your attention, but you're just not seeing him. You have to think outside the box.  because most of this simply is very subtle. It's just can't measure it, or touch it in the way you might normally think you should be able to.

    Much love to you

  5. It's not like you will get a sighting of him

    Because he did commit suicide, his angry spirit may be off somewhere trying to find the victim of whom made him

    If you really want to see him go into his room with an ouja board and some of your friends he might appear

  6. best to see a proper person about it.

  7. I'm genuinely sorry for your loss and my advice (for what its worth) would be the following.

    There is a school of thought that says we don't always see our loved ones as they are worried about scaring or traumatising us or giving us false hope that they will always be around us when for whatever reasons that may not be possible. It has been a short period of time since your loss and perhaps you need time to come to terms with what has happened before your son can give you any reassurance. You say you've recognised a smell, ask for it again and try to develop a form of communication that way until you can build that up.  Look at it as small steps.  

    Also as an aside you may be aware that Houdini spent most of his life trying to find answers to the paranormal and communicate with the other side, he told his wife that if he were to pass over he would find a way to communicate if possible.  She never gave up but she never received anything from him.  Some things are just not meant to be.

    Although it would be difficult to do, don't worry or be anxious about not getting a sighting, i think if you're too focused on an particular outcome you may be shutting out less obvious signs around you. The best thing to do would be to have a state of mind that is 'open' to your son but acknowledges that he may not be able to communicate with you.

    I wish you all the best.

  8. There's no comfort to give, no life for the fallen.

    Take care of what is not lost, focus on the living.

  9. First of all my deepest sympathy to you and your loss.

    Waiting for a sign is very frustrating. I waited 10 years before I got a sign from my mother.  my father showed up instantly.  It took 3 years to get a sign from my sister. So times and ways they send signs are varied. But never give up. It'll come.


  10. You may never see "the sign" you are looking for.

    What you may want to try sometime is putting a recording device in his old room, tell him that you miss him, and would like to know that he's OK.

    If you initiate an open dialog, maybe he'll respond.

  11. I'm SO sorry for your loss. Keep in mind that (I think) most people go this way because of mental distress. If he was doing  could be from a chemical reaction from them. One time I was secretly drugged and took a lot of sleeping pills and wrote a good bye letter saying that I didn't want to die..but couldn't stand that I was on fire. Thank goodness they weren't strong pills and didn't work..I couldn't even go to sleep. This might have been the case with him. Drugs can do horrible things to people..esp. when you don't even know you're drugged. This might not have been  his case at all..but hopefully there was a reason for me to tell this.

      If it were me..I would put his picture around the house and talk to him as if he were still alive (in spirit). Say (maybe even out loud) all the things you wish you had said while he was alive. Get a journal and write to him. (I don't know if spirits can read or not..or hear or anything..but it's worth a try.) DON'T do the ouija board thing. It can be VERY dangerous..and you never know who or what you'll get on the other end. You can be opening the door to bad spirits. I know that a lot of mediums are fake...but sometimes some of them seem to help comfort people. I really hesitate to say that...because I'm not sure how God feels about them.  I hope you're able to sleep and don't have feelings of guilt. We're only human..and we all make mistakes.  I don't think your son blames don't blame yourself. Find a good church and try to find comfort there.Maybe find a church or chapel that's open  where you can just go and sit by yourself.  Hopefully you've found a support group to talk with about your son.These are just ideas that I thought of..just trying to help. Again..I'm so sorry.

  12. I can't even begin to imagine what it is like to lose a grown child. I lost a baby, which is hard enough, but I'm sure it's very different.

    I don't know if this is something that you want to hear, but my advice is not to be anxious about signs of communication. We all have different religious beliefs about the afterlife and none of us can really prove our beliefs are right, but the bottom line is that we don't know in a concrete way anything about the afterlife. We might have a faith, but we don't know for sure. A lack of communication from your deceased son shouldn't be taken to mean anything negative. If I can use anything from my experience, it is the memories that mean the most to me and that is what I carry with me.

  13. It could be a year it could be two years. You may not get anything. I wouldn't put my hopes on it, if you already feel that he has come to you on Halloween, I would say take that for what its worth. That's maybe going to be the only time. Just don't disappoint yourself.

  14. Bless your heart and soul and mind.

    Do whatever feels right to you. You have to learn to live and love your son without his presence. That is a huge load to live with, believe me I know.

    I posted on this board for a long time. I can't say how some have experiences and some don't. There is so much that we do not understand. I do know that you and your son are very much connected in a way that cannot be separated, not even in death. I am positive of that.

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