
How long before miscarriage with a blighted ovum?

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I went in Tues. for my 1st appt. I was supposed 2 b 14wks (lmp may 1; 3 pos. urine tests june 3 and a pos blood test june 6) but the dr said I only felt 10 wks, so he did an u/s (both abdominal and transvaginal). He could see placenta and amniotic fluid but couldn't see the baby. He had be have some blood drawn that day, and some on fri to see what my hgc lvls are. I'll see dr. again on Tues.

I'm just wondering how long it should take me to m/c. I thought I should have def. m/c's already if it was a blighted ovum, but nothing. It might seem horrible, but I want it to just hurry up and happen, so I can finish grieving, and so (prolly not til oct or nov) my hubby and I can try again. I just hate knowing I have the placenta and amniotic fluid, but not a baby, and I want all of it out. How much longer will I have to wait?




  1. You need to see a different doctor!  Anything at this stage should be a D & C not a sit around and wait!

    Is he sure it isn't a molar pregnancy?  (Your hormone levels would be soaring)  Molar pregnancies mimic blighted ovum pregnancies except that a molar pregnancy is missing the DNA of mom, and so the cells are just dad's and reproduce like a cancer.  The blighted ovum is everything within the uterus, except for baby, and your body is confused.  Both have symptoms of continous spotting.

    Both need a D & C, molar has to be further monitored to make sure they got it all, as well as waiting a year to try again.

    Make sure to cry.  If anyone has any stupid opinion like, "it wasn't really a baby anyways," make sure to yell at them for all of us women that have had a m/c.  Especially these kind because you get far enough along to think you are out of the danger zone.  I have had this happen, and didn't find out until 13 weeks.  And the dr's were complete morons, they gave me painkillers and sent me home.  And then I came back via ambulance bleeding everywhere.  I had a molar pregnancy that was the size of a very large grapefruit.

    My sympathys.  Find another dr.  have a D&C, and a good cry.

    God Bless

    Edit.  Sorry hun I didn't realize you had edited your question.  If your hubby thinks it's a misdiagnosis, have you heard/seen a heartbeat?  14 wks they should actually clearly see baby at this point, especially if you had the 2 kinds of ultrasounds.  I actually got the "well maybe your just only 7 wks along not 12-13", your kidding right?  Anyways, the blood test should show something, it's the hormone levels that give it all away.  With one, (molar) they are soaring high, with a blighted ovum they are declining slowly, a normal pregnancy, they are doubling everyday.  

    Anyways, this actually happens to a lot of women.  If you only spotted once/twice, it sounds like a blighted ovum, which still is painful emotionally, but it means that you have excellent chances of having a normal pregnancy next time.  I have had a couple of miscarraiages, two of which made the dr's scratch their heads.  Yet I have had 3 healthy children in the midst of that.

    Something to be prepared for.  The next time you get pregnant prepare for serious nerves.  Make sure you have a dr. that knows that and is understanding.  When I got pregnant with my son after the molar pregnancy, they were looking for the heartbeat, one midwife said the usual "Well it's still really early, and they are hard to find, but it's ok...blah, blah, blah"  The other one knew I wouldn't sleep until we heard it and said "We will find it, even if it takes all day!"  

    The other give away to these two type of miscarriages is that the uterus feels different from the outside, manual exam.  It sits lower, and feels "doughy" from the dr's point.

    It sounds like your hubby is hurting too.  If you think you have a tilted uterus, ask the dr.  But a blighted ovum is nothing that you could have prevented.  It's a miscarriage that usually the body catches it earlier.  

    I gotta go to work (6am) try this forum, aside from the ads it's a great place to find women that are going through this too.

    edit.  Here I am at work.  I cannot get you out of my thoughts.  Prayers are with you. Things to remember, if they are sure that it's a blighted ovum, ask for the D & C.  Because any pregnancy that is this far along is extremely painful to miscarry.  Your body has to dialate quite a bit, and it hurts.  I miscarried continously for a week, the stats on how long it takes is between 1-3 weeks for the body starts to realize it.  I am praying for you, praying that baby is hiding!  Unless the hormone levels are crystal clear, get a second opinion, and a third opinion until your body says it's a miscarriage, or the that dr's are idiots.  If they can see the placenta, ask them if they can see the cord, and follow it.

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