
How long before my newborn can sleep somewhere else?

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I was wondering how long before I can take her to sleep at her dad's house. I'm always with her and I'm going stir crazy.It would be nice if I could go over there for a few nights so I have some help during the week because he has work and can't stay over and just to get out of the house. Maybe even leave her there for a day so I can have time to myself.




  1. There are many reputable adoption agencies out there if this is a real concern. As the biology of feeding them makes quite clear, babies are just not meant to be separated from their mothers.

  2. There's no reason at all that you can't take your newborn over there anytime. I took my newborn out 2 days after she was born. Plus, it's summer so you don't even have to bundle her up to go out. You can stay at his house over night too, just take everything you are going to need for her. If you have a pack and play that would work perfect, that way it has a bassinett and a change table in one. Get of the house, enjoy yourself instead of driving yourself crazy!

  3. I dont understand. why couldnt the baby stay somewhere other than your house? If you wanted all this time for yourself, you shouldnt have had a kid, sorry that the kid gets in the way of your life...

  4. She can go now. As long as the place is clean and a good environment for a baby I dont see why not!  

  5. well it all depend on whether you B/F...

    if you formula feed the anytime but if you B/F then its prob bets to wait till you stop so she doesnt get nipple confusion.

    Ambizzle: she didnt say she wanted to dump the baby at the dads house she wanted to know if she could take her there so she can have some help and maybe afew hours to herself!!!


  6. You could do it now. There is no set time to do that. Just do it when you feel ready. And don't feel guilty because it would give you a rest and in turn would give you more energy for your baby when you are with him/ her.  

  7. you can start anytime you feel ready. just make sure you take everything you need and that bubs has somewhere safe to sleep while visiting. i think it would be a great help to have your b/f around even if he doesn't help out that much the moral support would be very reassuring. having time to your self is also very important, even if its only for a few hours a week. don't let anyone make you feel bad about it. its been medically proven that mothers who have help with their babies and get as little as 1/2 hr a day to themselves have a much lower chance of developing depression. i don't remember the web site i read this in but if you google it theres tons of info out there. good luck

  8. Anytime really- and the sooner you get her used to sleeping in a different place the better, esp if overnight visits will become a regular thing.  But if your baby's dad never spent one night with the baby and you're the only one that's been with her, it might be tough to just leave her there- he won't know what her routine is or what it takes to get her to sleep.  You might both need to stay a night or two so it's an easy transition.

  9. Your baby can sleep wherever you take her. I wouldn't leave her with anyone else as this is a crucial time for attachment with one primary carer (you). If you want to stay over at her dad's house, there is no reason why you and bub can't go there.

    Also, it's fine to take your baby out for walks and trips to the shops.

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