
How long before obama lovers realize?

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How long before obama lobers realize that Mccain did NOT choose Palin because she is a woman but because she is good at what she does?

Remember obama lovers!

the only difference between oBama and oSama is a little BS!




  1. I heard earlier that she will get the votes that would have gone to Hillary and to those liberals that think that pot smokers make good polititions

  2. I guess we will see how good she is at the debates. Can't wait to see Biden squash her!!!!!!

  3. Haha I like that last line. I don't know the dems are just focusing on trying to criticize everything the republicans do.

  4. McCain picked her to get votes from naive people like yourself!

  5. And what is it she does, her qualifications are she chose not to have an abortion, came in second at a beauty pageant, has only two years experience as governor of one of the most corrupt states, has an investigation into her firing a state official due to her family issues, has vetoed one bill about g**s getting state benefits.  Not alot to be proud of.

    And I know you were dying to get your little BS joke in, but it is sad you misspelled lovers.

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