
How long before?

by Guest32493  |  earlier

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this 900 year old ritual is banned because it may offend a certain religion?




  1. If that's all you've got to worry about...I wish I had your life.

  2. Not long probably but i wouldn't worry about it if they don't win the pig i'm sure the hubby can give his wife a bit of pork ;-)

  3. Hi, Im not muslim but I dont think we need another reason to kill another animal on this planet. Weve got the turkey at christmas, lambs at easter, fish in fridays, and who knows what else, where will it end?????????? Youve made me fed up now!!!

  4. You, my friend, have an extremely active imagination.

  5. The sad thing is people say we have little or no culture in this country. Yet when we express  it is ridiculed. Yea...... I would be afraid.....Its tradition....It is not harming anyone. But you can guarantee that someone will be looking to get it banned.

  6. What do you think?  Really, have you nothing better to do with your time than stir?
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