
How long before the new US president screws up?

by Guest63245  |  earlier

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Hello Yahoo Land, how long do you think it will be before the new leader of the USA (whomever that may be) will s***w up internationally and how do you think they will do it?




  1. The truth is..the President, no matter who he is will have to fight both parties to even remotely get his promises to the people done. We have the house and senate lot who stand in the way of every good idea or thought the president sends their way. We may get more done if the Dems stopped taking so many holidays and the President uses more of his veto rights.

  2. Obama inexperience will show up pretty soon when he will had over the control to the europeans.

  3. Probably about 5 minutes with another war somewhere that he/she doesn't like.  

  4. Republican - Immeadiately..

    Democrats - Wait and see..

  5. Depends on who is elected.

    One will be the  uh um ah first day.

    How? um ah um by breathing.

  6. You can't please everyone. Presidents have to make decisions and every decision makes some people angry. That's just the way it is. And I think that if the American president is doing his job, he's going to p**s off other countries.

  7. most likely as soon as he is elected. the VP candidate for McSame  has no gotten the job and she is s******g up already. she does nae know what languages are spoken in south America.

    your answer will be certain as soon as Palin debates Biden he wull eat her alive

  8. If its Obama immediately; If its McCain.  Wait a few months.  Everyone makes a mistake.

  9. Any concrete answer would be mere speculation.

  10. I don't think you can answer that without knowing the outcome of the election.  If it's McCain then I guess America screwed up, if it's Obama, I think it'll take a while.

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