
How long before the novelty wears off?

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I have just bought an all singing all dancing hamster cage, I am picking the hamster up later, It's for my 5 year old son.

How long before the novelty wears off?

place your bets now! :-)




  1. maybe two weeks.

    my hamster is pretty boring..

    so it was like two hours for me..



  2. Not till it Dies...........

    About two weeks.

    Only joking.......... When I was little I loved my Hamster like a Dog or summink,   and always had it out cos it was like a Mate so it shouldnt wear out too quickly..


  3. I am thinking of something Edmund Blackadder said in a Christmas Special:

    "Well concived love, I should warn you, is like a Christmas Cracker. One massively dissapointing "bang" and the novelty soon wears off!"

  4. Well you could always do a Freddie Starr when you've had enough! xx

  5. 2 - 3 months x

  6. With kids...a few weeks. A hamster for a 5 year old isn't a good idea though. He could accidently hurt the poor thing. You should have waited until he got older before getting him a pet. Children aren't very good with animals. A dog would have been a better choice. Make sure he doesn't handle it and it just stays in its cage. If he holds it and the animal poops in his hands, and then he puts his hands in his mouth, he could get sick. If he does handle it make sure he washes his hands afterward.

  7. I disagree with the people tht say a hamster is no good for a 5year old and that you should wait until he is older for a pet. Pets are great for childern and teach them to care for others and helps them to grow with a sense of responsibility. My 5year old brother (theres a BIG age difference in case you think im also a kid!) has a pet rat and guinea pig. My 2year old brother loves them, holds them and has never hurt them. I hope he enjoys his new pet ;o)

  8. Poor Hamster..... subjecting it to a five-year-old child.  I'll give it a week or two before it bites him.

  9. It's nice to see someone else that understands small children do need pets, and that is willing to help care for it themselves.

    As for the novelty, I'd guess a couple weeks.

  10. until he has to help clean it out lol or when it poos on him. pets are a great way to teach kids responsibility. i think a hamster is a great idea, it'll teach him to be gentle. have hammy fun. x x x

  11. 1 week after he has to clean the cage

  12. Why did you buy it if it's just a novelty? You now have the responsibility of showing your son that pets are for life, not just for whims. I think it's incredibly cruel when people buy pets without committing to care for them for the rest of their natural lives. Animals are precious - LIFE is precious.

  13. 3 weeks tops.

  14. ha my 1st pet was a hamster bet my mom wishes she never got one.

    i loved the thing i feed it n played with it more than one a day it lived 2 years! i loved it up till it died, all mom did  was clean it for me.

    so depends on your  kid and how much you encourage him.


  15. well the question with hamsters is, how long before the animal's life span wears off?

  16. Probably when your son realises that hamsters are nocturnal and will be awake most of the night and sleep most of the daytime.  This wil allow your son a little time early morning and evening to play with his pet. If its to be kept in his room it will probably keep him up all night while on its wheel. And....they bite if they are not happy...Perhaps not the easiest pet for a small child.

  17. Don't know.But i bet it doesn't take long before the hamster is

    driven crazy.

  18. He might be quite good, took me about a year to get bored of my hamster.  Well, when he was clean and fed etc that is...

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