
How long before there isn't any managers left in the EPL?

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And coaches instead. Ramos= coach, Scolari = coach in fact apart from Fergie and Wenger most of the other top clubs appear to have coaches, and just like Europe where they have coaches they don't appear to have much say on which players get bought as the presidents or owners seem to buy and choose the players coming in, on that basis you could say that Keegan is also a coach and Curbishley left because he wanted to be a manager and not a coach. what do you prefer at your club, coach or manager or aren't you bothered.




  1. 300 years when robots are playing instead

  2. Well spot Terry. Not too many people know the difference between a MANAGER and a COACH. Shows their true footballing knowledge indeed.

  3. It's definitely edging that way. We're slowing edging towards the US system of the owners dictating the squads and the coach having to deal with whatever he's given.

    I wouldn't be surprised if, before long, we don't start hearing about European Superleagues and the like again. (not to mention franchises).

    Face it, the Man City and Chelsea owners can pretty much do what they like with the club, and if more go the same way the power of the Premier League, and to a degree UEFA, will be almost insignificant.

    Sorry, went off on a tangent and took it to an extreme. It's just such a relief to see a Q. that doesn't refer to ... or ... tonight.

  4. manager all the way! preferably Wenger!

  5. I would prefer a Manager. They have a grip on all aspects of the club and play a huge role in how the club performs at every level, footballing and otherwise. I do think Terry however, that these days,  like SAF and Wenger do, they need to have a lot of influence and prestige to be able to secure that position and influence. Owners plunge in money and without much knowledge behind them instantly want all the say becoming experts because of their bank accounts. I do worry a little about United after Sir Alex because I wonder if his replacement will have the respect and and influence to remain strong in their vision for the club and keep on track with the formula that has delivered our success.  They do seem to be a dying breed don't they :(

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