
How long before we have to pay to visit different websites.?

by  |  earlier

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i dont mean paying your isp but extra charge for evry website you visit, will it ever happen?




  1. idk

  2. I dont even pay for my p**n so why would I pay for other sites? If peeople started charging money for different sites no one would use them.

  3. no charge for visiting website, they want more people to visit their website to sell you their products, and pay for information and p**n.

    as for p**n i think they should get out more.  

  4. I think that when users go over a certain percentage of the population and they cant do without their computer, that will be the time we pay.

  5. Unless every website suddenly develops content of mind blowing value... never

  6. besides p**n, i think we will never pay

  7. Most web sites are free to use unless you go into pornagraphic sites, they can make millions from this.   Also if you are an honest type, you can pay for music, movies, and game downloads, this is the way to go in the near future.  

  8. no because we already pay for the internet like Bell etc..

    umm extra costs would surely make them loose money..

    thats bogus dont worry it will not happen, for people wouldnt pay all the extra fee's.

  9. wtf


  10. It's happening now---p**n!!!

  11. Better not,

    we pay enough for internet as it is.

  12. Stop worrying about nothing, chill out

  13. NeveR!

  14. i doubt it will happen. Advertising has paid for many a service.

  15. Since sites can currently make money offering information/content for free, it won't happen on a wide scale. All it takes is one person offering a free version of what everyone else is charging for to force the pay sites to become free.

    The ONLY way it could happen is if A)every colludes and agrees to charge(which is unlikely and probably illegal due to anti-trust laws), or B)if new fees get introduced by ISP's that force sites to charge in order to stay profitable.

  16. Ive actually heard about this awhile ago that all the major ISP were going to make it that you buy a package of websites by defualt but you would have to pay extra to get to any other websites that are not included in the package this was suppose to happen around 2012 but i dont think anyone will stand for it and hopefully it will never happen

  17. It already does for sites that offer a specific service like dating or p**n sites. Most other sites though are paid for by advertising. Its the same reason we dont pay to listen to the radio unless you have sirius or something. Sirius radio adds a service your payt a preminum for because there are no commecricals. The commercials on regular radio pay for that just like ads do on websites, so its not likely to happen at all nevermind soon.

  18. It already does happen.

    You already have to pay to access

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