
How long before we run out of oil.?

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Will your children born today learn to drive. and if so .

How much will they pay for gas.




  1. Well if the republicans have their way, they will try to bring about the apocalypse and kill all the liberals, lay in a field somewhere and wait for Jesus to come back.

    I believe in God like everybody else, but I'm not a fanatic. That's why I'm voting for Obama

  2. Very good question and one we should be discussing more. There are a great many books explaining Peak Oil and the consequences. It is almost impossible to accurately judge because the big oil producers keep changing their information and China is using much more oil than was originally predicted.

    One well regarded book is "A Very Unpleasant Truth...Peak Oil Production and its Global Consequences".  

  3. It depends. Some estimates place it at about 15 years of supply remaining however, that's actually "supply based on current technology".

    When an oil well is drilled and tapped, the oil industry can only leech out so much. In fact, the majority of the oil in the well is still there when the well is inactivated. Our technology is currently limited to the point where we simply dont know how to leech that remaining oil out yet.

    Yes, the children today will learn to drive. When they drive, they likely wont be paying anything for gas as we will likely have no choice about moving to renewable energy by then (which means we get to give OPEC the finger and hopefully bankrupt them).

  4. It won't happen before any of the people that are alive today have already passed on!

  5. If we are in peak oil extraction and if we are in peak oil consumption - big ifs...

    Think for a minute -  the US military is currently the biggest consumer and with are debateable interventionism in the middle east and currently in the Caspian Sea - oh, say about 15 years.. not..

    in our life time, NO - 35 yrs.. or so.. ??

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