
How long can Gary Glitter continue to refuse to return to UK?

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  1. Indefinetly hopefully

  2. not to long.

  3. Why do you want him to come back, are you a fan!

  4. According to Vietnamese law, In cases of Level 3 Offences (of which Child Molestation is included)- deportation must occur within 5 weeks of the Court's issuing of the deportation (though this time limit can be extended or varied after Prison sentences, since it is neccesary for the criminal to ensure his affairs are sorted before departing) unless the convict is not in a suitable health state to fly or if immigrant has a pending application for citizenship (which it would seem Mr Glitter does not).

    Though I dont know when the court issued the deportation order, he will be back in the UK soon- either of his own accord or escorted by police.

  5. i'm hoping that soon he won't have the choice.  

  6. Maybe they should say OK so you are refusing to move, slap the cuffs on and haul his sorry a** back to jail.

  7. the  '' wants '' and  '' needs '' of a nonce are not important. he cannot refuse. he should be given a good kicking and dragged by his !"£$ onto the plane !!!!

  8. Why did Glitter get a ticket via Thailand anyway? Seems a little bit of a coincidence to me that it is yet another underprivileged country which has these kind of people (scum of the earth) wanting to go there for obvious reasons. I wonder if this was a deliberate intention, in the hope they would allow him to stay there!! Hmmmmmmm, ah, well whatever happens I´m sure they won´t let him stay much longer, they want to get shot of him just like the rest of us.

  9. Technically he can go anywhere he is not persona non grata that allows the English in without a visa! and also many other countries that require visas if he can get one.

    Currently all he has to do is buy a ticket and get on a plane to any country!

  10. I thought he said he wanted to come back here the other day? He's just being difficult now, maybe he's realised how much the press are baying for his blood.

  11. His heart attack bought him a little time to think.  Unless he sets himself up in Bangkok Airport as a permanent attraction, he will probably be moved on.  He will not want to return to the UK judging by the sort of reception he knows he will get there.  If this persists, he actually has a genuine case for claiming political asylum - he could present some of the answers from Y!A as evidence that his life is at risk should be return to the UK, and as a former convict who has done his time, he is technically a free man, unless someone can come up with something else valid to charge him with.

    The big question though is which country will take him?  I would imagine South East Asia is out of bounds, as is most of the English-speaking world.  Russia is a possibility.  He really needs somewhere which has a deep grudge against the UK, where locals dress reasonably casually, where his money could come in handy...

    How about Zimbabwe?

  12. Not sure but I would think when he has outstayed his welcome in the country he is in at present. What I think is wrong he was taken into the VIP lounge at the airport and given a private bed because he said he felt ill. I bet he did at the thought of what he will have to face from the British Media. I'm never in favour of the press hounding anyone but I make an exception to that rule and hope that they hound him to h**l.

    If he does come back the airline will need to disinfect the seat he occupied on the plane.

  13. His next destination is the Vatican how does Archbishop Glitter sound.

  14. If he can find another country that will let him stay, as long as he likes.

    And as for jovibonjon2 methinks he doth protest too much.

  15. He was released on condition that he be deported. He can take himself to any country in the EU with that passport, BUT another EU state would deport him on further back to Britain.

    He won't be able to protest much longer, They'll nick him, cuff him and issued him yet another deportation order from Thailand.

    He will soon have no choice. I'm sure the Thai Authorities are trying to get shot of the freek.  Human Rights here do not apply in Thailand. THANKFULLY.

  16. He should have no rights to refuse, he should be deported immediately even though he makes my flesh creep at the very thought of him being on the same soil as me.

  17. i dont know. but i hope he stays there..

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