
How long can I be bulimic before the horrible side affects kick in?

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I don't know why I keep doing it if it hurts my body. Its like a love hate relationship. Anyway, I have been doing this for a little over 11 months and I was just wondering how long I have before something bad happens. So far only my teeth and throat hurt constantly.




  1. Sarah you could be risking your body organs and function now. I was bulimic thru low self-esteem, I lost the weight but the urge to throw up stopped suddenly when I met the man of my dreams.  I was happy, when you do what you do your are taking your mind and responsibilities and worries away from your mind.  It makes you devious, a liar, thief, self-obsessed to an unhealthy state, your skin will dry, your periods could stop making you perhaps infertile even now. This is a psychological problem.  In my case I just couldn't handle growing up and responsibilities, or periods and just ate and ate and thru up many times a day. Please darling get help now.  xx

  2. You are well into the stage of damage. Please get some professional help. it will never end. The smoker, the drug addict, the alcoholic.. they always think tommorrow will somehow be different. You have a mental illness that requires help to overcome. Just out of curiousity.. you are probably still overweight right?  

  3. if you're worried about the "horrible side effects" then why not get help? you can erode your esophagus by the constant puking, and bad effects can kick in from the beginning because you're not going to be getting enough nutrition.

  4. Well your teeth and throat hurting are your first side effects. You could have internal damage that you don't even know about yet. This behavior is very dangerous....but I do the same thing and know the feeling. You can get awful stomach problems, tear your esophagus, rot your teeth out of your mouth, sudden death, hair loss, vocal cord damage, osteoporosis, irregular heart beat, lower body temperature, enlarged salivary glands, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, insomnia, damage your internal organs(heart, liver,ect.) and so much more. These things can happen at any time.

    You should seek some help.

  5. So you've already done damage. Get professional help before you rupture your esophagus and die.

    It's not a joke...purging is a very dangerous way to try to lose weight, and bulimia is a serious eating disorder.

  6. Do it until u die ! that's a very good way to loose extra pounds

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