
How long can I keep Live worms? ?

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I got an 18 pak at the bait shop. They are generous and there always seems to be at least 22 fat ones. I rarely use them all in one day so I keep em in the fridge. But how long will they survive in there?

BTW they are in a container packed with dirt and partialy decomposed wood chunks.




  1. as long as you want, it's a free country

  2. If you keep them in the fridge they should last up to a week or better without any problem.

  3. Months if you keep them cool with peat moss and some crushed hard boiled egg or some coffee grounds once in a while for food.  

  4. About 20 days be for they go bad on you and good luck to you o.k.

  5. I have kept night crawlers for over a couple of months. I than use them for early ice fishing for pan fish.

  6. Julie V,

    Great question and one to learn from.

    I`ve been a pro fisherman for years and have kept worms and night crawlers for a year.

    (1)first don`t crowd.

    (2)buy a large cooler the type with a drain.

    (3) put a few small holes in the top  for air circulation.

    (4)fill the cooler 3/4 with a mixture of sphagnum pete moss and (decomposed) manure.this mixture will smell like dirt but will have the right nutrients for the worms.

    (5)add small amounts of water to entire mixture constantly turning and mixing

    (6) moisture should be enough so when you squeeze it, it forms a loose ball and easliy breaks apart.

    (7) keep in your basement or any cool place around 40 degrees.

    Resources:one click help

    Ya got to like em bigggggg so tame them crawlers.

    Thanks for the great question

  7. What kind of worms? If nightcrawlers I have kept them over a month no problem. Red wigglers about three weeks. Be careful with the wigglers they always escape. Bloodworms about three weeks is about the max.

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