
How long can I wear contacts?

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Is 16 or 17 hours too long to wear frequency 55 contacts each day? I have glasses but I don't really like them so I don't ever where them. Is this going to hurt my eyes wearing them this much b/c I don't want to make them worse?




  1. Your eyes need oxygen and wearing contacts deprives them of oxygen. You should wear them for 8-12 hours and take them out for 1 or 2 hours before sleeping.

  2. What did the doctor who prescribed them tell you?  Freq 55 are daily lenses, so they are good from the time you put them in from the time you take them out.  They are NOT approved for sleeping.

    As long as you dont do that, and you keep them clean (with proper solution that was recommended) and the replacement schedule.... youll be fine..

    I would ask the doctor if you have any questions...

  3. I am not familiar with the Frequency 55 contacts.

    If they are comparable to regular contacts, the time you can wear them is probably dependant upon how your body reacts to them.

    Wearing contacts for extended periods of time can increase the possibility of getting an infection, and can cause blood vein growth into the cornea which needs oxygen from the air.

    Some people can't wear contacts at all, some people that I know can leave them in for weeks. I would suggest taking them out and cleaning them as much as possible though.

  4. No, the maximun is about 12hrs for normal lenses. Try those silicone lenses. They can be wore for more than 16hrs.

  5. 16- 17 hours a day is definately considered as overwearing them.

    Overwearing always leads to problems eventually, some sooner than others.

    You asked this same question 20 hours ago.

    If you want to wear contacts for many years problem free, you have to stop abusing your eyes now before problems start.

  6. My daughter wears contacts and she said it won't hurt you as long as you take them out when you sleep it is not good to wear them when sleeping and if your just around the house you can wear your glasses to give you a break from your contacts.

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