
How long can a baby corn snake go without eating??

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we bought our baby corn snake last sunday and he was fed the wednesday before. how long can he go without eating? we have tried to feed him twice since we bought him and he didnt eat either time. also, how do we know when he is hungry?




  1. I'm sorry.  I don't have an answer.  I just wanted to tell you that your qeustion made me laugh.  It sounds so....cute!

  2. About 3weeks to a month.

  3. i overfed my baby corn snakes, once every 4 days, because i wanted them to get bigger faster, cause it was annoying as heck to run around trying to find live 1 day old pinkies to feed it every time, since they refused frozen ones. my snakes got to be about 2 months old before they were able to eat 3 day old pinkies, and i slowed their eating to about once every 5 or 6 days.

    when one of em escaped, i ran around like a distraught idiot asking ppl your same question... generally, your baby snake will live about 3 weeks to a month and be desperatly hungry, bt can live without eating for about 5 or 6 weeks. (but it needs water, so if you ever do have an escapee, me sure to leave bowls of water around the edges of your floor)

    if you have a brand new snake, try to bug him as little as possible. throw him into a tupperware container with a few air holes poked in it, along with a baby mouse, and just leave your snake in there overnght. hopefully by morhing, your snake will ahve eaten the mouse. if you REALLY want the show, use a see through lid, and cover it wil a towel, so that it stays dark, and peek every hour or so.  

  4. during the active period corn snakes typically eat once a week, however babies tend to eat more often than adults, 1-2x a week.  if you are feeding frozen and he just isnt interested, i would try live pinkies first, or i have heard of people soaking the frozen ones(thawed of course) in chicken broth before feeding as well. good luck.  

  5. Well, it varies between snakes. I have 2 corn snakes and one of them searches for food 3-4 days after I feed her, the other one waits until there is food. I would feed him every 5-7 days. You can feed them 7-10 days as adults. When they start to become more active (Especially during the day) then they could be hungry. You don't have to worry about them dying of starvation, snakes can go months without food. That doesn't mean that you should underfeed them though. I hope this helps.

  6. Snakes can go quite a long time w/out eating. How long it can exactly go can depend on the snake but atleast a month, probably longer, more like two or three. Snakes will usually roam their cage when they're hungry, showing their hunting instinct. Just continue to offer. If you're offering frozen, you may want to try live or freshly killed or vice versa. Babies can be very fussy soe just keep at it.  

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