
How long can a budgie stay alone?

by Guest44578  |  earlier

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I am getting a budgie soon but before I get it I need to know how long it can stay alone. If anyone answers it would be appreciated!




  1. I have read that they can be alone for up to a week but personally I wouldn't do more than 3-4 days.  Especially if you are only getting one.

  2. 4 days with food and water use a water dispenser so the water doesn't stand in its cup and get dirty

  3. If you give them plenty of food and water, you can go away over the weekend and they'll be fine.

  4. Birds can actually go crazy. Leave a radio on or something. Your budgie will talk to it for hours upon hours.

    Also, just give it some food and water and it should be good for a weekend or so.

  5. What do you mean by 'stay alone'?

    Stay alone as in, without another bird or stay alone as in without any attention from you? OR stay alone while everyone's away?

    If you plan to spend a lot of time with your bird and have plenty of toys and other distractions for it, it can stay without another birdy friend for it's whole birdy-life happily. If you can't spend as much time with your bird as it seems to need though, you may need to get another companion for it.

    If you mean "How long can I leave my bird alone without any attention from me" well, since they're flocking birds, that'd mean it would need lots of attention from you, so if you're thinking of talking to it for a few minutes and then carrying on with your day...well, that may not be the best for the bird. It could become depressed and lonely.

    Perhaps giving it a mirror could help with this type of situation, but the best thing for you to do if you only want one bird is to spend as much time as you can with it

    Now, if you mean stay alone while you're away for whatever reason, it's better that it's not left alone, in my opinion. I usually send my bird over to a trusted member of my family while I'm vacationing or have one of them come over to interact with them. If for some reason you don't have that option I'd say a day is about as long as is alright to stay away, seeing as they do need fresh water, food and attention every day.

  6. About 3-4 days they need lots of food and lots of water in there cage but i would recommend leaving the budgie with a friend or someone

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