
How long can a helicopter travel before it needs to stop?

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How long can a helicopter travel before it needs to stop?




  1. when you run out of fuel you usually suddenly stop lol. just kidding average range on a helicopter is about 1200-2000 miles some a lil more and some a lil less

  2. Helicopters usually can fly 200-300 miles before needing to refuel. Even the best ones out there can only go about 500, and some others can barely break 100.

  3. however far 40% of the fuel tank will take it.

    so you can use 40% to get back and have 20% left

  4. until its fuel tank runs dry, or the engine fails, or when the pilot decides to land.

  5. Given that aerial refuelling of helicopters is possible and that many have crews greater than 1, then the limit is how much food can they carry. Using a Chinook which can carry enough cargo to feed the crew it would be limited by the life expectancy of the crew.

    Of course the crew might die of terminal boredom.

    Ian M

  6. if more fuel is added, then the helicopter could run until a part needs to be replaced, and if you replace it, it could run forever.

  7. It depends on the direction it's going.

    When going up, it will stop when it can no longer produce enough lift to continue climbing.

    When going parallel to the ground, it will go until it runs out of fuel or encounters an obstacle.

    When going down it will travel all the way to the ground but not much further (depends on its speed when it encounters the ground and the relative density of the ground as compared to the components of the helicopter.

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