
How long can a house cat last without food?

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but still has water




  1. r u starving ur cat!

  2. A cat can survive without food much longer than humans can. He can lose as much as 40 percent of his body weight and survive. Water, though, is entirely a different matter. A 10 to 14 percent loss of the total water in a cat's body is fatal.

    An obese cat however, must not go without food for no longer than 2 days due to the danger of Hepatic Lipidosis (Fatty Liver Syndrome). When a obese cat stops eating, it causes a mobilization of its own fat stores and results in excessive fat accumulation in the cells of the liver. This excessive fat accumulation impairs the normal function of the liver cells, resulting in liver failure.  

  3. wow that doesn't sound like a very good question. are you not feeding your cat? how would you like just to have water??????????? did you ever hear of animal cruelty? that's what this sounds like to me..

  4. Actually, my cat went a few days without food when we were on vacation. Now, before you start calling the aspca, let me tell you that it was not our fault. We hired a neighborhood kid to take care of him while we were gone, and he never did his job. We got back home and he had lost weight, and when we fed him, he ate like never before. Needless to say, the kid never got his money or was ever hired again.

    I'm not saying it's okay to starve a cat, far from it. But what I am saying is that they will survive with little to no food for a while.

    With water, I'm sure they could survive a while. But water has no nutrients, so even that would not be enough.

    Just feed your cat.

  5. i really hope that you are not serious!! i really don't know what is wrong with people like you that write questions like that. are you really ignorant enough not to know this stuff?  if so  i really hope that you do not have a cat.  you shouldn't be allowed to even have a pet rock.  get a hobby, and go away.

  6. I dont know if this is you asking because you want to experiment...but if it isnt and your just curious then lets just long can you live without food but only water?? That should answer the question. If for any reason you feel you cant feed the cat due to money problems/vacation i suggest to give the cat to family members or friends who are willing to take him in. If not take him to a humane shelter(they dont kill) where the cat can have plenty of food and water. It might be hard to do but its the right thing to do. I really hope you arent serious about this question..because i just watched animal cops Houston and its sick the way people are so cruel to animals.  

  7. don't even try to test it its mean and its animal cruelty !

  8. just buy the cat one of those food dispensers. you just fill it up to the top with food and then you don't have to worry about feeding your cat for a while

  9. feed your cats. a human can go one week without water and two without food, but for a cat, it's much shorter, i'm sure, considering its life-span. i'd say not long, a few days. just ask someone to watch over it. even a neighbor or family member. someone should report you to animal abuse.

  10. i agree with them. thats wrong! how long can you last, just try

  11. probably a few months before it completely disintegrates, but it will start to smell pretty bad after a couple of weeks or so.

  12. jeez!! wats wrong with u??

    just feed them and it will be all good!!

  13. i do not no. i like to feed my cats. how long can you go with out food...let us know k?

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