
How long can a human survive in outer space?

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Another science question...........please details details because i'm half way finished and i need to answer it in 400 words




  1. Less than one minute

  2. That's a good question that has never, to my knowledge been studied, for obvious reasons.

    Lots of people think they would last only seconds.

    But there have been lots of SF stories with people surviving up to several minutes, with the right preconditioning, like exhausting all the air from your lungs. many of these writers are engineers, so, lacking any other facts, I tend to go along with them.

  3. He will die soon as his lungs try coming out of his mouth.

  4. they can't survive without a suit because:

    a] no oxygen

    b] extremely cold

    c] space is a "vacuum" and their head would more than likely explode

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