
How long can a lawyer hold a judgement over your head before he collects?

by  |  earlier

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I havent worked in a while do to disability but when the lawyer did the judgment I was working at the time. Since he cant collect I want to know how long can he hold the judgment over my head if I have not worked in 3 years.

P.S The lawyer did win the judgment




  1. That would all depend upon where you live.  Most states it is 10 yrs and renewable.  You can check your states laws at this web site

    If you are unable to work and apply for and are awarded compensation under Social Security Disability Income, then they are just out of luck because SSDI and SS as well as SSI are exempt from garnishment.

    Hope this answer is of help to you

    LEGAL DISCLAIMER:  The answer provided  is not intended as legal counsel.  It is for informational purposes only and is not intended to presume to be legal counsel.  

  2. The judgement is yours till the end of time.

    Unless you are permanently disabled, and live on SS, then you will have to pay.

    If you are having trouble making the payment, contact the court to explain your situation and see if they will lower your payments.

    Good luck.

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