
How long can a mystery shopping company keep your personal information on file?

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I don't want to mention the name of this exact company, but a mystery shopping company that I used to be part of still seems to have my personal information (including SS#) in their database. I know this because anytime I try to re-sign up with them, their website says that my info is already in their database, even though my account is deactivated. I was just wondering if there are any lawyers or people who know the law well can give me some free advice on this. Do I have the right to file a complaint with the Internet Fraud Commission on this? I'm not looking to sue and waste my time, I just want them to shred my file since I'm no longer a member.




  1. If you are an employee, outside contractor or got paid or compensated for your time, They are required to keep your ss number for i think seven years for tax purposes.

  2. They must maintain your information for legal reasons (6 years from date of termination).  If you don't want to be involved with them then quit trying to sign back up.

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