
How long can a plastic water bottle be reused before the plastic starts seeping into the water?

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How long can a plastic water bottle be reused before the plastic starts seeping into the water?




  1. u mean just plastic water bottle ,sure different types were been ,the companies chose the best can still long to seep.

  2. I've heard that the plastic startsleaching chemicals as soon as the water goes in it. Also if the water bottle has been in a heated area(hot car sitting in the sun) the plastic leaches out more chemical even faster. The bacteria from your mouth is also bad, as you can not wash the bottle in warm water. In conclusion it is best to use the plastic water bottles ASAP, but even better don't but them at all.

  3. a lot.  you mean like a poland spring bottle that they tell you to throw out?  idk, till it gets too gross to use again.  or the ones that you keep and wash for a long time, again, a really really long time.  it shouldn't bother you, i've never heard of the plastic seeping into the water

  4. The bacteria left on the bottle from your mouth can be worse than the plastic, especially if you reuse multiple times without washing it. When you reuse a bottle, you have to wash it with hot water, soap and bleach, then you have to rinse it out real well and let it completely air dry before the next use. The plastic seeping into the water would only happen if the water was left in the already opened bottle for a long period of time.

  5. Indefinitely ... just be sure to keep it clean and wash it thoroughly..  "plastic" will not seep into the water.. it is a physical impossibility.

    Now, some plastics have small impurities in the plastics, these plastics leach small amounts of these chemicals into the contents of the bottle . . . so be sure it is the right plastic.. AND simply change the water regularly, i.e. do not let the water sit in the bottle for a extended periods of time..  If you do that you should be ok..

    (BTW. cold water would leach less chemicals than hot so.. )

  6. Are you refering to something like dioxin leaching?

    It is something that occurs right away and leaches less and less as the bottle gets older. But then you have to worry about bacteria build up if you don't wash it every now and again.

    There is an ongoing argument over whether plastic bottles even contain such chemicals in the first place.

    Better to be safe than sorry, buy a reusable bottle instead and a filter for your tap. There are plenty more reasons why buying bottled water is bad for the environment.

    You can find a few selections here (metal seems best):

    and here is a good little article for you:

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