
How long can a train block a crossing in Texas?

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Crossing has red flashing lights and cross arms. This particular crossing is the only way for emergency vehicles, school buses, residents and school employees to get to the other side of the track unless they go about 2 miles further and cross an unprotected, high rise crossing on a dirt road.




  1. I don't know but, if there is another crossing nearby, use that.  What difference does it make if its unprotected?  If the train is blocking the crossing, it'll either be out of the way soon or it's sitting still and really poses no danger at the other crossing.

  2. I can't speak to Texas. but in California the limit is ten minutes.

    However, from time to time there are circumstances wherein the train cannot be moved owing to mechanical, air-brake or other break down.

    You are not alone.  There are hundreds of these scenarios in every state of the union.

    So, when looking to rent or buy a home, make sure you get one on the same side of the tracks as the fire department.  The old real estate addage, "Location, Location, Location" needs to be put into practice here.

  3. Hi,  I use to be an egineer for a short line railroad in south Arkansas.  The standard time at a crossing is 10 min., but after the 10 min. has exspired the train can move one car link forward or backwards and regain another 10 min. .........Sorry I know you didn't want to hear that!

  4. I do not think there is any limit ,it just depends on how long the train is and how many engines it has. Trains do run on schedules though and are not often during times that would interfere with anything but the emergency vehicles. But they would deal with it I am sure. But if a train is running during inconvenient times  for the others they just have to wait.

  5. The common census is 10 minutes.  10 minutes is correct.  I often travel "by train" to Gainesville, and to Amarillo.  There is a particular place on our subdivision that has the same set up as what you described.  We have a siding right in the middle of the town with 1 road goes right through the middle of our siding that separates the north side of town from the south.  The school and fire station are on the north, ambulance and police on the south.  If we pull in the siding, we HAVE to cut our cross and clear the crossing so that emergency vehicles can cross if need be.  If however we're waiting for a train to go by and it's less than 10 minutes, we will block it til it gets by, then leave.  Keep this in mind, if a train blocks a crossing for over 10 minutes, the conductor of that train can be fined and jailed if the local law enforcement wants to enforce this.  Most train crews will plan accordingly to not block that main road though, but things happen sometimes that's out of our control.  We don't do it on purpose just to make everyone mad...........we don't want to go to jail or get fined..

  6. As long as it wants, so long as it's bigger than your truck.  If it has a red light, then it has no choice.

  7. For as long as it d**n well pleases. Who is going to move it?

  8. Each state and province seems to have different regulations, although many of them are identical or similar.

    In Canada, we're not allowed to block the crossing for more than five (5) minutes from when the movement stops.  I would imagine Texas regulations are very similar.

    You could probably contact local law enforcement, and they may be able to either tell you the exact time, or point you in the right direction to finding it.

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