
How long can a woman be pregnant without noticing?

by Guest60501  |  earlier

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I know about missed periods and stuff, but apart from that, when it's going to start being quite obvious?

I'm just wondering, by the way!




  1. Sonia Jackson in Eastenders didn't know til She went into labour.

  2. It depends on the woman. all women are different.

  3. It varies. Some women go nine months and are very surprised when they give birth.

    Reality denial is avery powerful drug.

  4. people won't notice your belly until at least 4-5 months. But they may notice the morning sickness and the mood swings and the cravings. So don't try to hide it. These things have a way of coming out on there own. You don't want people finding out the wrong way. So Ju st be open and honest about it and everyone will understand.  

  5. it depends on the person, some women can be pregnant for the whole nine months and not even have any symptomns, so not realise theyre pregnant! :)

  6. You well most likely start feeling it and noticeing about 2 months, but most women know find out pretty soon since there are pregnacy test and such.  God bless

  7. There are tons of different symptoms and everyone is different, most people get morning sickness and sore b***s early on. Otherwise if you have no symptoms I guess you wouldn't know until you started showing.  

  8. 2 1/2-4 months

  9. Some women dont know until they go into labour. My sisters friend only found out at 6 months

  10. My first pregnancy I had no clue until I was 4 1/2 mo. along. Weird huh?

    I didnt expect to be pregnant. The rest of my pregnancies were planned, so I know within weeks.


  11. I know a girl that did not know till her doctor sent her the ED.

    She was in labor, but she was thinking she had a tummy bug.  

  12. 3 or 4 months u start to show. butonece u miss ur period soon after there's morning sickness...mood swings...ur extra hungry.....

  13. three to four months.

  14. there are documented cases when woman have gone into labor full term without knowing they were pregnant but most of these woman were large and had all sorts of medical problems and irregular periods

  15. Some women don't know until they've given birth.

    Generally, you'll find out at least by 3-4 months, when you pop out.

    Some women start throwing up from the conception day.

    It varies for every woman. I am 8 weeks, and i'm still trying to imagine that there's a little bean of a baby in my womb. Sometimes i'm tired, or slightly queasy, but nothing else. If i was throwing up i'd prolly believe it easier. hahaha. I've even had a scan and have photos, it's still hard to believe. I don't feel terribly different. Except for the crying thing. Omg, that is SO annoying.

  16. Well in some rare cases (and I know a girl personally that this happened to) but a period can happen lightly even into the pregnancy for a month or 2. This is the reason that me and my girlfriend take a pregnancy test once a month religiously, just in case. So yeah it is possible to be pregnant without noticing.  

  17. it depends on the woman

  18. Hey I've heard stories of women noticing at the time of the delivery (they thought their period stopped because of menopause, apparently were not concerned with their weight and didn't have much symptoms... I still don't explain myself what they thought the baby movements were, tho... lol)

    I felt very tired from the beginning, but I thought I had a flu. It's really the periods that made me think I could be pregnant. Never had nausea or morning sickness, started gaining weight only when I was 5 months pregnant (I had only gained 5 lbs prior to that), my breast are not really that tender...

    It really depends of the woman! I have a friend who said she just "knew" right away (started feeling sick and all at least a week before missed periods)

  19. 3 4 months

    you gain weight

  20. Sometimes some women can be pregnant and not know until the birth. It's very unusual etc. but it does happen, the body is a wonderous thing. Usually though you will notice about 3 months, if not before.

  21. i read in a mag once that a woman dropped her kids off at school and while she was driving home she got very bad pains, she assumed it was her goal bladder again so booked a dr appointment, wen she got to the doctors he told her he thought she was in labour, she explained to the doc she had missed no periods and had no weight gain or anything and she wasnt pregnant

    he still told her he thought she was in labour, so she went to hospital to prove him wrong, when she got there she found out she was in labour and gave birth to two boys :)

  22. Depends on how many brain cells the woman has.

    I once read in a magazine though that a lady in Scotland gave birth in the bath-she didn't even know she was pregnant.

    And another went to a hospital complaining of stoach cramps, but was actually in labour.

  23. Not until the baby is the case of my friend's daughter! She was on a girlie holiday in Ibiza and after diving off the top deck of a boat to retrieve a bottle of champange, she started to have bad stomach ache. Her friends took her to the medical centre and called her Mum at home to say they thought she had an appendicitis, then two hours later they rang her back to say she had just become a grandmother!!!!!!!!!!

    She had barely put any weight on (she went from size 8 to size 10!) and had no idea or symptoms that she was pregnant. She'd even had light periods right the way through.

    So it can happen.

  24. nt more than three three months......

  25. You occassionally read about a woman who doesn't realize she is pregnant until she goes into labor -- but generally symptoms, weight gain, movement of the baby and lack of periods would make things obvious within 3-4 months at most.  

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