
How long can an American stay in Mexico on a tourist visa?

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Once I enter the country, how long can I legally stay? Also, how long can a New Zealander stay in Mexico? Thanks!




  1. Rhino is right about the tourist card in Mexico.  It is the same for Kiwis.  Use site below to verify this.  Just enter your nationality and destination and click for the info.  And , by the become a citizen of Mexico takes a minimum of 9 years unless you can claim citizenship by descent or marry a Mexican citizen...then the time is shorter.

  2. I think that an American can live in Mexico for 3 yrs before needing a Mexican citizenship

  3. 6 months

  4. The FM-T Tourist Visa can be good for 180 days, but you have to be sure that the offical puts down 180 days--sometimes they don't.  So you can spend six months, cross back over the border, spend a night, and then re-enter the next day for another 180 days. Remember that on June 1st ,2009 you will need a passport to to cross the border.  You need a passport right now for flying into Mexico.

    I have no idea if the rules are differnt for kiwis or not.

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