
How long can an unopened bottle of Vitamin Water last?

by  |  earlier

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i bought this mid may and now the color is a little darker than usual but i think it tastes ok... will i get sick from drinking it?

and theres no expiration date on it.




  1. no its fine i do it all the time and i dont get sick. just keep it in the fridge

  2. I don't like onions, but I like onion rings. What's up with that?

  3. If it's not open I was assume its safe.

  4. Probably not unless someone put something in it while you weren't lookin'

  5. A few months won't hurt, I'm sure that those bottles keep well over that long in the supermarkets. I'm pretty sure there should be an expiration date somewhere on there, take another look just in case, sometimes they're really light.

  6. If there is no date on it and it's a funny color I would not risk it. I never heard of anyone dying from Vitamin Water poisoning but why take the chance? If it's really worth the 1-2$ that you paid for it in may, no less, you can always call the company (phone number most likely on the bottle) and give them the lot number (also somewhere on the bottle) and they will tell you when it was made. Good luck to you....but seriously, why not just toss it?

  7. if it deosn't have a date that means it doen't really expire.

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