
How long can cocaine withdraws last for ?

by  |  earlier

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i have used for about 4 years of and on, sometimes heavy , i have been clean for over a month, work out daily and have been eating extremely healthy, experiencing fatigue and having a hard time getting a full nights rest. any help will help!




  1. Well you should be over the bad withdrawls anyways.  The withdrawls your experiencing is due to the longer term effects the cocaine has probably caused.  The eating healthy is very good.  Start using some ginseng teas and coffee, those can help for the short term for energy, and get a check up see how your heart is doing,  if its fine get some ephedra pills off the internet.  The sleep problems well skip a night of sleep and see how that does to reset your sleeping system.  The other thing you can try and I know it will work very well if you can afford it is a hypnotherapist, I know because I am a certified hypnotist.

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